Why knowing yourself is the no. 1 leadership training you should go for

Why knowing yourself is the no. 1 leadership training you should go for

This week is going to be about?hammering home 1 key message. And it is highly connected to your level of confidence.?Ready?

??The dark side.

Or lack of personal understanding. Lack of self-awareness.?

This is where I tell you why not having any self-awareness is to the detriment of you, your growth and your performance at work.

  • You'll certainly struggle to put yourself in someone else's shoes at work - which deteriorates relationships. And therefore the quality of the work done.
  • Without it, you can't manage yours strengths or the areas that require way more efforts from you. Simply because you just aren't aware of these.
  • It means you wouldn't know what motivates you. Which is a big red flag to me. You'll probably end up accepting a job you'll dislike, or doing tasks or projects you despise or aren't good at, or worst - both!
  • A lot of tension will raise from lacking self-awareness. And you won't understand where this stress, anxiety, anger, frustration come from and therefore no ways to handle it.?

And this may lead to:

  • Increased stress
  • Decreased motivation
  • Greater likelihood of leaving one’s job
  • Overconfidence
  • Poor judgment
  • Inability to learn from mistakes
  • Inability to build teams or relate to others
  • Lowered self-esteem

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??Flick the switch.

Or remove your blindfolds. Investing time in understanding yourself will outperform any hard skill training you've ever had.?

Shedding some light on you as a person, how you function on good day, what you are like when you're not at your best, what ignites you, what depletes you of energy, what do you value most etc...this gathering of super interesting information about you is the foundation of a great leader.

Toxic leaders have very little self-awareness and aren't interested in raising it. This, subsequently, keeps their toxicity traits afloat.?

Why does the switch need flicking??Because as soon as you start flicking it, below are some of the impacts you can see:

  • Improved communication and relationships
  • Increased job satisfaction and well-being
  • Better decision-making and problem-solving
  • More effective leadership and management
  • Greater adaptability and resilience in the face of change
  • Better stress management
  • Improved time management
  • Better understanding of the impact of emotions on others
  • More accurate processing of feedback
  • More collaborative team player
  • Increased productivity

What I see in my coaching practice is that when self-awareness increases, confidence rises. Instantly. It's not magic. It's just two things that are naturally connected and yet often missed out on.

Now I'll use a different metaphor to prove my point to you.

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??Where's your?instruction manual?

Ok, the bad news is: we were not born with an instruction manual. Unfortunately. How cool would it be to be given a few tomes about who we are, what we feel in certain circumstances, how we're at our best, what motivates us at different stages of our life, what does trigger us to the point where we may lose our temper or become mister McGrumpy?

The good news is: it's not too late. You can start today to spend time understanding yourself. Funny I said time, because it's usually our worst enemy and the no. 1 culprit when we talk about why we don't know ourselves so well. This project, that deadline, this meeting coming up, the brief that needs writing etc...

Let me tell you this, you don't need hours at a time. No. The only thing you need is your mind and being focused.

??Why am I saying this?

??My confidence and skills as a leader really took off when I stopped thinking externally (which leadership style box do I need to fit?) and instead focused more time inwardly to understand my own mind, its dynamics and what pitfalls I should be aware of.

??This, my friend, was the game changer. And I'm here today to help as many emerging leaders go through the same personal learning journey, one step at a time.

I accelerating your impact as an FMCG emerging leader by making self-awareness your no. 1 strength through 1:1 or group coaching, mentoring or keynote speaker.

In next week's newsletter, I'll share with you 5 ways to get you started.?

As a bonus though, here's one way to raise your personal understanding and be a stronger leader.

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Try it here

It only takes 2 minutes to answer these 30 questions and know your mind traps and when you may hinder creativity!

Speak soon,



Magali Leroux ? Leadership coach for marketers的更多文章

