Why "Knowing" Can Build Your Confidence
Suzanne Harris MCMI
Business Coach | Blogs- Natural Pet Care and Business | Podcasts - Animals Naturally and Talking Community Safety | Accredited DHR Chair ?????
I was in a great livery yard with Tara. It had amazing stabling, designed with a large coaching style. And over 600 acres to hack in. Perfection!
Perfection indeed, if I could overcome the almost mile long dead-straight track. That led me onto the rest of the estate.
What stood between me and the estate was my mind! More to the point, it gave Tara plenty of time to think of ways to test me. Tara always was a very intelligent horse. One step ahead of most people. And like many brilliant minds, she'd get bored.
A long straight track was the ideal place to get bored. How could I keep Tara focused? I did try a few times and only got half way along, or less. One day I had a lesson and my equestrian coach offered to take Tara on a hack up the track around the estate. Now I'd rather I could do it myself. But I wanted to try and break the habit we were in. Of going not quite in circles. But definitely me not able to get to the rest of that estate. Such good times we could have, if we could get there!
My trainer of course was super confident. She didn't think she could. She knew she could. And yes there is a difference isn't there? Thinking something "might be" is very different to " knowing it is".
In retrospect, I had thought getting up the track would be great. Rather than knowing that it would be, and that I would. Rather I "might".
Tara of course went with my trainer up the track and had a lovely hack. On the one hand it made me feel a little deflated that I was letting Tara down, by not being more confident. But also pleased that Tara got to see a different view and she looked like she'd enjoyed herself.
Second guessing what Tara did think about me standing waiting for her return was no use. Horses have their own minds! And Tara always did. One of the many reasons I loved her so dearly.
There's definitely parallels though for you managing your equine (or canine) care business. Are you sure you're knowing what you're doing is the best for your business? Or are you thinking it might be?
Just because what you’re doing seems straightforward and takes a while, (like this track was). Doesn’t mean it’s not right. Things don’t have to be twisty and complicated (not always!).
Being able to be 100% confident. Means actually knowing what you're doing is right. Confidence doesn't come from complicating and over thinking. But often keeping things simple. That's why Tara went up that track. My equestrian coach kept a simple clear mindset, knowing she would. No if's and no but's.
Do you have "if's" and "but's" in managing your business?
Comment below or DM me if this resonates with you!
If you want to know more about the coaching I offer for equestrian and canine businesses. Take a look at my blog here or my other articles here on LinkedIn. Get in contact if you'd like to apply for me to coach you. I've a limited number of spaces that come up each month. Or visit some of my online courses at https://animal-star-social-media.teachable.com.
Suzanne Harris
Founder www.taranet.co.uk (Complementary Therapies for Animals) and https://animal-star-social-media.teachable.com (Online Coaching/Social Media Training for Horse/Dog Care Businesses)