Why Kids Should Start to Learn Coding with Scratch
Code Galaxy
Introduce coding and computer science with online classes for kids&teens of all ages.
Guide: Scratch Coding for Kids
Coding for kids in Scratch makes learning programming simple. The easy to use drag-n-drop platform takes out the more frustrating aspects of learning to code. Better yet, kids learn to code fun games using essential STEM concepts.
Drag-n-Drop Scratch Coding for Kids
One feature that makes Scratch coding ideal for kids is its drag-n-drop environment. Kids can easily drag predefined coding blocks to the command console. This takes out elements of coding that are frustrating for beginners. They don’t need to worry about typing errors or getting syntax right.
Scratch has easy to understand coding blocks that make code easy to understand. For instance, if you want to display some form of text, you can use the ‘say’ command. Other text-based coding languages might use ‘print’ in its place. To a youngster ‘say’ is a much more straightforward command.
Text-based coding will surely be a must-learn if someone is serious about coding. However, Scratch teaches STEM concepts essential to computer science that break down coding to a simpler form.
New STEM Skills: Variables, Movements, and Loops
Simplicity in the block coding drag-n-drop environment allows for clear presentation of fundamental STEM concepts. The curriculum of the?Intro to Scratch course at Code Galaxyfocuses on a few of the most important concepts.
A Scratch course starts from the beginning by explaining to kids what coding is and how it works. It then moves into coding command sequence using game flow for context. The first part of the course is wrapped up with movements, variables, and loops.
The movements section introduces kids to the concept of a coordinate system. Sprites, characters in a game, are used to get kids excited about the concept. Kids learn how sprites can move from one place to another on a coordinate system.
Variables are similar to those Xs and Ys that you moved around in algebra. In coding they’re used in code to manage numbers that aren’t yet known. For example, say you want to create a program on Scratch that asks a math question. Whatever the user inputs as the answer is the value of the variable that will run through the program.
Loops are essentially a command that repeats other code. They’re often used to complete repetitive tasks. It’s a must-know for any programmer.
A good understanding of movements and variables are likely to lead to better results for kids in the classroom. The use of coordinate systems in movements will make future geometry classes a breeze. Knowing the concept of variables will have the same effect for algebra. Not only will a child have a head start but they’ll approach these math classes with the expectation of having fun.httww.thecodegalaxy.m
Coding Games for Kids: Scratch
At its core Scratch is all about teaching code through game creation. The Intro to Scratch course at Code Galaxy finishes with this very topic. Part 3, the final part of the course focuses on building essential game features. It covers coding home screen buttons, communication between sprites, and more.
The Scratch – II courses gets more serious about games with the course broken down into two parts – platform and scroller games.
In the platform games section, kids learn about character movements. They learn how to code jumps and implement other physics concepts. The physics concepts allow for realistic gravity in games. The section finishes off with lessons on game design. Kids learn how to design obstacles in games while also learning about level design. The variation in concepts gives kids the opportunity to explore the interplay between code and design in software development.
Scroller games offer kids the opportunity to learn about even more essential game functions. They’ll learn about how to create different rewards systems in games. These include points and score systems. As a finale to the Scratch – II course, kids get to build their own project.
Why are Scratch coding courses centered around games? It’s because kids can learn a well-rounded skill set. The courses at Code Galaxy for instance will expose them to a host of coding and design concepts.
Courses centered around games allow kids to learn in a fun but structured way. It’s even more exciting for those that already play games. Every time a child goes to play a video game, they’ll have a sense of how a home screen or other part of the game was built. This makes for a more active mind.
New Life Skills from Scratch
Coding games in Scratch makes for a more active mind but it also builds other important life skills. Kids become more curious about how things work. This curiosity could be a driver for entrepreneurship. At some point or another, they’ll seek out help for code either from their teachers or peers. This helps to develop communication skills. These interactions are also a precursor for good team skills.
Scratch coding also puts to work STEM skills that kids use in school but sometimes fail to see the practicality of. Math and physics are essential parts of coding games.
Kids coding classes in Scratch will teach kids new soft and hard skills. They’ll use them in school but also in their college and professional careers
Scratch Coding Classes for Kids at Code Galaxy
Intro to Scratch?and?Scratch-II?are great courses for introducing elementary school kids to coding. Kids begin learning STEM concepts that will be essential to their coding careers. They do this all while learning how to build games.
If you’d like to know more about our Scratch coding courses, reach out to the team at?[email protected].