last letter to innfluence planning who ripped the charity off and still wont pay us back what we paid them and waited for for 5 years !!!!!wtf no wonder the kids in cornwall ar angry please read

Deth da / hello Rachel

and of course paul bateman from influence planning ,I am contacting you to say that due to your refusal to contact us back or allow us to talk with you both, to finally give us the planning portal number that you and paul both assured me many times you have .

Kind jess from lioness jewellery my investor has ceased to be interested in fanatically helping the hope project Cornwall .

So today we officially have lost the 100 thousand pounds that she offered all those years ago til now .

We have lost it due to your inaction and refusal to finally give us the number that would have kept her on board we have asked many times through many avenues , basically you said you have it then blanked the phone and refused to return emails over the last two months.

In the very beginning we did approach Nigel Braybin your family/ friend from Cornwall council and put forward a written a interest to be the hope project of which we hold a receipt for this action dated and stamped, this was before we talked to you, so as you know we were always the hope project even before we were led to you at influence planning .

Back in 2011 you took payment in full for the following

500 POUNDS FOR RACHEL TO MAKE US A BUISNESS PLAN ( wich we never have seen )

2400.00 pounds for the planning inc appeals and any other cost related to it ,

we have a email here from paul stating he has been paid in full to put the plans in and that the plans will be in in 8 weeks this is dated five years ago .

Now after five years of stonewalling from you both not only have we lost five years income we could have made but as you know Rachel we also lost two children due to miscarriage that was due to the stress that we have incurred from the stonewalling and constant lies that the plans have ben put in ( so far this is the fourth time ).As mother how could you allow this tension to a woman in this state !!!

We also ask you to think of the local children that couldn't access the project some have now suffered fatally due to their lack of access to the landscape at the hope project .

After 5 years of broken promises and attempts to turn our fee we paid you both in full, into a long term loan from us to influence planning we have to say we are speechless at your lack of character and empathy here .

8 weeks ago you personally tel us the planning is in and you have the planning portal numbers and will send them to me so I may calm my investor who has waited a long time to help us and who relied on this evidence to trust us all .Then you refuse to answer the phone or emails I have sent you .

You are not only frustrating the hope project Cornwall but also the youth who need it our kids who are self harming in the droves ffs !!!!!!!

You are also frustrating the friends of the hope project that have supplied outstanding letters that you both insisted we got .

below are a sample of our suporters

KATE KENNELY leader of cornwall council

JACK CORDERY head of childrens services .

BERT BISCOE counilor

ANDREW GREAN head of cornwall learning partnerships

MERV DAVIE grand bard of cornwall

MIKE CHAPPEL bard . councillor head of kernow matters

CRAIG WEATHERAL head historian for cornwall, bard , trustee of CASPEN



SIMMON BRITTON head of wave 360 media.



AND INVESTOR of 100k who chooses to be anon

We find it darkly ironic that we feel that we are being stonewalled by influence planning and you both as a family whilst at this point you must be very busy congratulating yourselves on making half a million pounds getting the plans to put in a million pound house at the site of historic solace at come to good Quaker house .

I note that Paul does have a long history of closing down places of solace and community gatherings as he has told me many times he has closed up to seven mosques so far in kernow through the council .

This does make us at the hope project wonder as to your real intentions with the stonewalling at the hope project place of solace for poor local youth .

Rachel do me a favour when you look at your reflection in the mirror over xmass I want you to reflect on just how much harm your personal participation in this stonewalling, lies and time wasting has done to us as a family and to cornwalls youth as a whole .

For every red glass of chateau neuf du pape you drink I want you to see the blood sweat and tears that you as a family and as influence planning are responsible for in a negative sence .

If I write this too strong for your sensibilities this is due to the fact that 2 weeks ago a young friend in st agness who for years was asking to access the project suffered a stroke brought on by self medication of legal highs and the last information we have is that he is now paralysed on one side and is in Deriford hospital he is only 19 and was constantly asking us what is holding us up where was our planning, when can we start !!!!.

In total now I personally know 4 suicides that are from st agness and the surrounding area and the numbers are growing .

So for Christmas we would like to know your answer to their simple question of why have influence planning taken 5 years from their youth and so far not put any plans in to make the hope project that aims to help them !!!!!!

In good faith we paid you in full ,

with grace we waited patiently for 5 years,

We have done this with the hope that it would help your baby business to thrive. and now we see that you are not only conmen but heartless gready individuals who do nopt deserve to live or work in kernow i hope when your children need help that you have the facility you are intent on destroying at the hope project cornwall for your own finatial gain yours samuel farmer director of the hope project


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