Why Join Us?

Why Join Us?

Nothing is more important than safety and that's where durability comes in. Delivering Durability Across the Rubber Supply Chain is the theme for Endurica’s First Ever Community Conference. The aim is to have OEMs, rubber part manufacturers and raw materials suppliers engage at a high level on how durability is evaluated and assured in each domain and across domains.

Technical presentations, testing methodologies, materials characterization and the latest in simulating rubber durability -- it is all here. You will benefit from this event if you supply materials to the rubber industry, produce rubber parts, develop and manufacture tires, are an OEM specifying rubber part requirements or in any way need to assess how long your elastomeric product will last.

A truly unique conference experience -- there goes the sun! Only 21 total solar eclipses have crossed the lower 48 states in the entire existence of the United States. The last total solar eclipse visible in Ohio was in 1806 and the next will be in the year 2099. On the first day of our conference, April 8, 2024, Endurica’s home city of Findlay, Ohio will be very close to the center of the path of totality for a Total Solar Eclipse. Just how many people can say they have been to a conference that included an eclipse? Join us for the very best in rubber durability simulation AND the very best viewing location for the eclipse.

Check out the agenda here.



