Why Join the Chamber of Commerce? What is it & what do they do?

Why Join the Chamber of Commerce? What is it & what do they do?

Why Join the Chamber of Commerce? What is it and what do they do?

If you have ever thought about joining your local Chamber of Commerce, here are a few things to think about, some common misconceptions and some tips on how to best use a membership.

The first ever chamber of commerce was reputedly formed in Marseille, France in 1599 a busy port in the Southern Region of the country and the first British Chamber was formed in Glasgow in 1783. Chambers of commerce are not a new thing, we have reams of experience, constantly developing our role to help businesses across any given region. Whilst regional chambers often do similar things, we are all quite different and some chambers are more progressive than others!

The British Chamber of Commerce is now formed of around 52 regional chambers across our fair isles and provide a extremely useful function, linking regional business and our policy makers in government as well as all of the great business support and growth services. We help you to do business locally, nationally and even internationally with our colleagues the Department of International Trade and our inhouse export documentation teams.

These chambers have developed throughout the years, feeding back economic information back to government, lobbying on behalf of our regional business communities, changing policy, highlighting employment needs, plus providing business support and local networking opportunities for its members, the stronger the network, the stronger the region.

The chamber is no longer the traditional stuffy boardroom environment it once was, not all about huge companies and powerful people, (although they are members too), a secret handshake, or dare I say a 'nod and a wink' as days of old. We have a huge range of different businesses, of course some regions have specialist sectors, i.e. manufacturing or service hot spots, but on the whole there is a great balance of companies, both big and small.

The chamber now provides a vibrant and ever innovative way to raise the profile of your business through networking, webinars, seminars, business updates, training and expo events, whilst still providing core elements of business support, protection, legal advice, HR support, international trade, import & export facilities, plus a plethora of resources for junior, management, director and board training, best business practice and signposting to other agencies who can help your best efforts.

A good chamber should demonstrate ongoing development of its digital PR, marketing and event management, maximising opportunities to increase your business’ visibility, meet others and make your voice heard.


·??????I am a member of one chamber, surely I can use the services of all the others?

-?????????Each chamber is usually a non for profit but a commercial business all the same, we are separate chambers, not necessarily competition but unique to each region, so if you’re a member of one you don’t get the services of another, nor can you visit others events unless of course they are free to non-member events. There should be valuable showcase events available to all.

·??????The chamber is a government agency?

-?????????No the chamber is not a government agency but we are sometimes contracted to perform some functions on their behalf to provide business support.

·??????If I join the chamber I will automatically get loads of business, it’s like a referral club isn’t it?

-?????????When you network, you can refer and so can the other members you meet, this is an engagement exercise, we provide the framework, you do the networking. We can recommend our members to others when asked like any other business, so it's good to get to know other members and your relationship managers to that end. It's up to you, and like a gym membership you must use it to get the benefits, whilst gaining more knowledge and experience as you attend. But don't forget, there are other ways to network and raise your profile with us that isn’t just physical networking.

·??????The chamber gives out all the grants, funding and rebates, they can find us money straight away?

-?????????We can signpost you to those who can, we have the contacts, the knowledge and sometimes we can provide other initiatives that can support your business, saving you time and money, train your staff and protect your company interests, just ask...

·??????If I am based in one region, I can’t join another region...

-?????????Join a chamber in the region you want to promote your business, even if that isn’t where you are based, there is no rule to say you can’t join any regional chamber.

How best to use my membership?


-?????????meet, engage and stay in touch, you will make business friends and you will see the results. Sometimes its about engagement, learning how others do business and other times its about meeting the right people or just plain old good timing, networking does work. Remember, word of mouth is the most powerful marketing you can develop.


-?????????As above get yourself along, learn about other businesses, attend exhibitions or exhibit yourself, put on your own events and promote them through us, use our calendar to fill your weeks and months appointment diary, blend your usual sales and marketing strategies with a mixture of our events and outputs. Remember each event is also a networking opportunity, and the digital outputs we provide develop your brand awareness, help others to recognise you.


-?????????Chambers usually have there own news sections on there websites, or though distributed publications. Your membership should provide opportunities to appear in these as part of a package, although these are opportunities are not infinite there are PR, blogging opps and offer sections you get as part of your membership package or you can pay a little extra to become more and more prominent throughout our marketing, sponsorship and advertising.

-?????????Amplify your brand, blog with us, post your offers and use our social media platforms to reach out to the members and the wider business region who keep an eye on chamber activity, remember we also have lots of non members who view our website and go to events too.

·??????Relationship Manager

-?????????Make good use of them if they are included in your package, they are a wealth of information and have got to know a huge amount of your fellow members. They can review your business and talk about the support you need, make sure you speak to us through them.


-?????????Set your timeline to make the most of your events, networking, PR, marketing and other outputs to amplify your good news stories as and when you need to, or at specific times throughout your yearly marketing plan. Got some big success stories coming up or have just sealed a big deal? Let us know, tie it all into your marketing tactics and amplify your business through our business authority and online ranking.

·??????Peace of Mind

-?????????Be satisfied that you have our resources to help you with any business conundrum, get free legal help through our 24/7 helpline, legal docs and much, much more.

LEGAL - HR - H&S & Tax Advice - Even Legal expense insurance covered as part of your membership + a legal document library of templates you can download too!

·??????Save Money

-?????????Through our commercial partners and recommendations within our network, just ask your relationship manager about all of this, browse our website and look at member offers or get discounts to train staff, 50% off your export documentations and a wealth of knowledge through the complex maze of international trade for free. Discounts on your commercial energy and huge discounts through our foreign exchange partners when you do business abroad, preferential sponsorship rates and wide choice of supply throughout our membership directory amongst loads of other stuff.

+ AA discounts and also 'APH Airport' Car Parking, Hotels and VIP Lounge discounts!

...and much much more

I am writing this from the perspective of The Black Country Chamber of Commerce, we connect business in the Wolverhampton, Walsall, Sandwell and Dudley areas of the Midlands so apologies if your chamber doesn’t provide what we do, but remember this... if you go to an independent breakfast networking club that costs £12 per week for one morning, this costs you £36 a month. A Bronze membership with the Black Country Chamber of Commerce gives you all of the above for £35+vat p/m with a membership base of over 750 members to network with, so what are you waiting for, if you want to do business in our region, whatever the weather, business is done better together!


Direct Message me here for more info or if you have any questions, connect on Lnkedin, email [email protected] call 07796242029 or visit our website www.blackcountrychamber.co.uk for more details on what we do, news, issues and support.

For more information on a chamber near you please go to https://www.britishchambers.org.uk/ for more information.

#business #networking #events #wolverhampton #walsall #sandwell #dudley #chamberofcommerce #blackcountry #westmidlands #notbirmingham


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