Why Is Japanese Communication So Different?
We Languages
We Languages is an online language school where student-centered approach and unique methodology are combined together.
Have you ever thought about how much language affects communication? In this Culture section from the Hiragana Times, our content partnership, we will explore some aspects of Japanese communication.
You will learn why it’s so different from the English one!
Is Language Just A Mere Tool Of Communication?
With the development of AI and device translation, more and more people are wondering if they will ever need to learn a language. Certainly, if it is just used as a device to tell people what they need to do while traveling, etc., we may not have to.
However, language is more than just a means of communication.
Sharing Thoughts It’s Like Enjoying Food
People feel the most joy when they are able to share their thoughts and feelings with one another. The same may be said for food, for example. If the purpose of a meal is simply to sustain life, a supplement that contains satisfactory levels of nutrition is all that is needed.
However, nutrition is not the only thing that people look for in a meal. In addition to smell, texture, and satiety, there is also the pleasure of cooking, choosing a menu, and eating with others.
What’s the Main Difference Between English and Japanese Communication?
When conveying subtle emotions, speakers of English are said to use tone of voice, facial expressions, and gestures to express themselves.
Japanese people, on the other hand, are known to have few facial expressions and gestures when they speak, and non-Japanese often point out that it is difficult for them to know their emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure.
However, the Japanese language is so rich in vocabulary, one may convey emotions in the absence of facial expressions.
Japanese is a Language for Deepening Heart-to-heart Communication
With the Covid-19 pandemic, Japanese people wear masks as a matter of course, whenever they go out in public.
It is said that this is due to a sense of compassion for others. However, there is also a view that it is possible to communicate emotions behind a mask without having to interpret facial expressions.
Thank you for reading!
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