Why I've been AWOL
?? Donna Joy Usher ??
Finally Manifest Your Dreams ?? Remove Your Resistance, Get Out of Oscillation, and Create the Life of Your Dreams??
It's been a little while since my last article I know. I apologise for that.
I had a realisation which led to a period of soul searching but I am back on deck now.
Today, I wanted to share a little about this and talk about pivoting versus shifting within your business.
When I first started out in my online journey my goal was to set myself free from my day job as a dentist.
Sure, I wanted to help people along the way, but that part of it was not as clear or as concrete as my need to create a secondary stream of income.
What happened next may be familiar to a lot of you...
Years of searching and studying and failing.
Business after business created and discarded as I shifted and shifted again, trying to work out exactly how it was that I was going to set myself free, and help people in the process.
You can probably already start to see what the problem was.
My focus was on the money first and the people second. Which led to me creating things that I thought people might want, because I wasn't actually sure whom I was helping and how I was helping them.
And then, when there was not the immediate success I had anticipated, I would decide there was a flaw in my assumptions, and I would shift what I was doing and start again.
Another idea, a new domain, more branding, a whole new website, and the same cycle repeating again and again and again.
This continuous recreation of the wheel occurs when we create the product before we create the community...
When we assume the pains before we understand the audience.
It happens when we craft our message before we understand their hopes and dreams...
When we build a business on what we assume people want without taking the time to know them.
And it occurs when we put our need to make money, before our desire to help people.
When the people and their needs are first and foremost, and we take the time to know them and what they actually want, then what we create is very different than if we do it the other way around.
I was guilty of this for so many years, before I started to really listen to what people were asking for...
And even then, I wasn't listening hard enough.
Well, I was listening with my ears, but not my intuition.
You see, when most people come to me for help, they are all about knowing what it is that they need to be doing within their business to have success, but after I have spoken to them for a while, something else becomes extremely evident.
For the majority of people, having that knowledge is not enough.
In fact, most of the people out there that are struggling, already know exactly what it is that they should be doing within their business...
They're just not doing it.
They are lost in a cloud of confusion and procrastination, unable to make themselves follow through.
They are unable to realise that it all comes down to taking action, because deep down inside they DON'T BELIEVE something that they need to, to be able to take that action...
Or THEY BELIEVE something about themselves that stops them from doing it.
Or they FEAR THE VERY THING THEY WANT, which leads to paralysis.
They confuse themselves, procrastinate, self-sabotage, and get lost in shiny object syndrome and perfection, rather than take action on their dreams.
The things you need to do to have success are not actually that difficult. The true struggle comes from believing that you are capable and worthy of having that success.
Which brings me to my bout of soul searching.
You see, over the last year I have had conversations with hundreds of people, which has led to me realising that knowing what to do is just not enough.
I don't just want to create another course or mentoring program, and then when people are still not having success, but that failure onto them.
I want to help people get clear of the self-doubt that is causing the true lack of success, and to feel worthy and powerful and capable of creating the very life that they want...
Whatever that may be.
And so, I find myself not so much shifting again, as pivoting slightly.
Not starting again from scratch, but redefining exactly how it is that I can help people.
I want to help people in the most powerful way possible, by unlocking the potential that is trapped within them, their belief in themselves, so that they can move into the energy and space that will give them exactly what they want.
I have started this already, working with clients as an analytical hypnotherapist and psychotherapist to expose and release their limiting self-beliefs. And I am continuing to study and work on a way I can help more people at once.
I'm hoping to have something amazing created by the end of this year, so watch this space for that.
Until then I commit to bringing back to you things that will help you within your business and your life. And I will continue to work with people on a 1:1 basis, helping them tap into the power that lives inside.
(Feel free to jump on my calendar for a chat if you would like to talk about working 1:1 with me to start freeing you up to have the success within your business that you want. https://donnajoyusher.com/success-session )
But for now, keep an eye out for my posts and articles so that I can share all the amazing information I find on just how amazing and powerful we are. I look forward to journeying with you on your path to success.
In Your Corner
Donna Joy