Why it’s time to increase our confidence to get more curious
Donna Ohdedar - Review Consulting Ltd
Helping blue light professionals find meaningful work, a better income, more flexible family time & allows them to keep making a difference | Become a professional independent reviewer with SILP School | Team Training
Welcome to the Working in Partnership newsletter on LinkedIn. Whether you are an independent reviewer or based within a partnership, involved in Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Domestic Homicide Reviews, Safeguarding Adults Reviews, or other learning activity, our fortnightly newsletter provides relevant information, resources, and discussion to support you in your role.
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Why it’s time to increase our confidence to get more curious...
Do you as part of your role assess the quality of the safeguarding response? If so, you are playing an important role as a leader of sector led improvement. You are more influential than you may know, & that’s why I believe those who assess the safeguarding response should be skilled up & aware of how to operate with increased curiosity about how people from minoritised groups experience services.
I think there’s more we can do here.
I have ideas on this. They are beyond the scope of my message for today, but I do have a free training offering which may be useful if you feel the same way. Full details are at the end of this newsletter.
As a First Step...
The terms ’diversity’, inclusion’ & ‘cultural competence’ appear regularly in analysis, reviews & strategic publications. I’m not sure we always have full clarity on what we mean when we use these terms, & it’s time to have the conversation about this. Moreover, it’s rare to see robust challenge which names bias which may be inbuilt into the safeguarding response as a result of personal bias, bias in systems & processes or institutional bias.?
If you are ready to take ownership of this, I will join you on this journey. The SILP School mission is to create a ‘tidal wave of positive impact’ in reviews. This may mean operating outside of the comfort zone.?
Are you In??
I am offering you the opportunity to explore analysis of potential adultification bias and inequality in the safeguarding response with Jahnine Davis, Director of ListenUp research. Join us on Wednesday 3rd May, 1.00-2.30pm for ‘How to Analyse Adultification Bias & Inequality in the Safeguarding Response’. Click here for the details & to reserve your seat.
**Important Update**
Due to high demand, we have added a summer intake for SILP School,
SILP School is open for enrolment.
Are you an independent reviewer or in-house practitioner who is looking for a more effective, proportionate review practice?
Whether you are new to reviews or established and ready to grow your practice around reviews, SILP School will challenge you to execute at the highest level.?
SILP School is an innovative 18-week interactive video-based training programme that teaches best practice in reviews and doors are now open for the next intake.
SILP explores the professional’s view of the case at the time the events took place. It analyses significant events and deals not only with what happened but why it happened. SILP can show us what affected the practitioner’s actions and decision-making at the time and what needs to change.
SILP School is designed to change your thinking around where we can achieve more by doing less in reviews and requires you to understand what it is like being involved in a review from different viewpoints.
Will you join me in SILP School 2023??Doors close very soon. Click below to check the details & book a call so we can help you decide whether this is the best next step for you:?https://donna-ohdedar.mykajabi.com/silp-school
For an assessment of your eligibility to join SILP School,?click here.
What else is coming up at Review Consulting?
Wednesday 17th May at 1pm - Free Live Workshop
I am offering an opportunity to explore the analysis rich IMR with Clare Edwards, retired Senior Nurse Safeguarding. Join us on Wednesday 17th May, 1.00-2.30pm for ‘5 Key Ingredients of an IMR Which Delivers a Strong Analysis.’
Click here for the details & to reserve your seat.
Tuesdays in May?– 1.30pm. Tuesday Takeaway
If you are a reviewer, commissioner, review participant, or quality assurance professional working on Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Domestic Homicide Reviews, or Safeguarding Adults Reviews, join me for Tuesday Takeaway. A bitesize, 20-minute lunchtime discussion, plus sharing of ideas & networking with peers. Join live or watch the replay. Click here for more information.
Donna Ohdedar, Head of SILP
Donna has 16 years public sector experience, including her last role as Head of Law for a leading metropolitan authority. Now a safeguarding adviser & trainer, Donna is involved in serious case reviews in both children’s and adults’ safeguarding, domestic homicide, and is a SILP Reviewer and Mentor. Donna offers ‘SILP School’ her university accredited training course, CPD for reviewers & a free online network for leaders in review practice. Click here to join.
Click here to hear the latest episode of the Safeguarding & Domestic Abuse Sector podcast.
Find me on Twitter: @LtdReview
Find me on Facebook: Review Consulting Ltd