Why it's so important to take a delight in who you are
When you know who you are, you know where you’re going. It sounds simple but it really is true. This is the essence of your personal brand, not the more focused aspect you present to the world. I call this your intuitive personal brand, the aspect we all know to be true but seldom fully articulate and even less often, joyfully own.
Capturing who we are
There are times in our lives when we feel totally fulfilled. We have a sense that we are doing what we were put on this earth to do. That’s when we are being who we are, and we never forget it. Everyone can enthusiastically speak of these occasions. What we are less good at, is capturing it so it is available to share with the people who would most benefit from us being that person.
The process of accessing this joyful and energetic part of ourselves seems to come under the title of ‘difficult and time consuming’ for many of us, making it low on the priority list. Well, listen up because there is a way of making it easy and fun, in fact if it’s not fun you are unlikely to be in touch with the naturally joyful part of you, the part that was there the moment you were born and has been driving you ever since.
I use images to help you identify what is important to you and lights you up, the bits you easily accept and the bits you hadn’t realised were playing a crucial role in making your life happen in a fulfilling way. As we talk you realise how important they are. Sometimes the embarrassment of recognition may be challenging but the final statement we come up will make you giggle and your eyes shine as you fall in love with yourself again.
When you really own and delight in this person you immediately become easy with talking about your achievements. After all these are things you can’t help doing, they are what you were put on this earth to do. They are who you are.
Having the slideshow with your intuitive personal brand statement and the images you chose, set to music on your desk top, is a constant reminder of who you are. And when you are uncertain on how to respond to a challenge, when you play it to yourself, you know how to do.
Articulating your contrubition
With this preparation work done it is so much easier to translate this into compelling messaging for a specific audience be it an interview, making a business case, or asking for a promotion. All business essentials and what really successful people are much more in touch with.
As for me?
I am a people magician transforming people’s lives through love and laughter - that’s what I do, I CAN’T HELP IT!