Why It’s OKAY to Press Pause on Resolutions
Michelle Cederberg, CSP
Hall of Fame Speaker, Coach & Author | Energizing Teams For the Future of Work: Using science-based strategies to eliminate burnout, increase engagement, and ignite high performance
“Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.... as many times as you need to. Just don't quit.”?
~ Unknown
Admittedly, I'm not feeling the whole RESOLUTIONS thing this year. If I'm truthful, I never feel the resolutions thing, but I'm not feeling the goal setting vibe yet either, so I've given myself permission to press pause on my goals until I do. Maybe you need that too?
It's pretty hard to set clear and exciting goals when you're tired, stressed, and more than a little pandemic-fatigued, so instead, why not use January as a time to look, listen and feel for what your mind and body need from you right now. I can bet it's different than what you needed last year, or the year before that. We've been through a lot with this darn pandemic.
Given this truth, it's okay to press pause on resolutions, for awhile anyway. That's what I'm doing, and it's pretty eye-opening and energizing!
Watch the video below, or read the transcript that follows, for 4 strategies I'm implementing for myself this month instead of goal setting.
Well, we’re almost midway through January. A month for fresh starts, new years resolutions, and big plans for a GREAT year ahead! How’s that going for you?
Hey, Michelle Cederberg here, contemplating the efficacy of January goal setting and wondering if there’s a better way. Especially this year.
If you know me, you know I’m a big believer in goal setting for success. And in theory, I like the idea of kicking off the new year with resolutions that drive the vision, but from a practical standpoint that’s often easier said than done. Watch the video I did a few years ago where I share a number of good reasons why resolutions don’t work. I'm doubling down on those reasons this year.
As we kick off 2022, I’m hopeful for a great year ahead, and I hope you are too. Maybe I should be excited about the possibilities (because they’re absolutely there), but as I was preparing for this video around goals, I realized I’m not ready to set any. I maybe many of you are feeling the same way.
2021 was a busy, crazy, shit of a year in so many ways. I think I can say that here. Life often is, but we’ve all had the added stress of navigating the pandemic-that-never-ends, and we can’t underestimate the impact that two years of uncertainty has had on our energy and mental health. I know that I'm certainly feeling it.
Before the holidays and even into the first couple weeks of this year, I’ve talked to a lot of people who have mentioned how tired they are… burnt out even. And it’s hard to get excited about next steps when you’re feeling that way.
Beyond the constant mask-wearing, and hand-washing vigilance, we’ve had to process the on-again-off-again-we’re-opened-we’re closed-you-can-gather-you-can’t-travel-don’t-travel-we’re almost there-no-WAIT-another-variant reality that’s on-going even now.
It’s energy-draining. It’s frustrating. And it’s okay to acknowledge that you might need a bit more time at the start of this year to decide how to BE for the rest of it.
Here’s what I’ve been doing. Maybe a few of these strategies will work for you.
1) I’m not rushing into setting goals (that’s been established), instead I’m thinking a lot about what I’d like the year ahead (and beyond) to look like for me personally and professionally. I say 'beyond' because I don't think our goals should be confined to a calendar year.
I’m thinking about everything that I’ve got on my plate right now, all of the work that I did last year that I want to build on, AND I’m imagining what a post-pandemic world will need from me…and what I will want from it. I’m allowing myself to ponder possibilities without making any hard and fast commitments just yet.
The world has changed people. We need to allow ourselves to reinvent our place in it.?Think about that.
2) Part of that process that I'm working on in relation to #1 is to decide on my word of the year. It’s a concept that so many people have adopted; one word that guides your actions and operates as a theme of sorts over the course of the year. Last year my word was OPTIMIZATION because I wanted to improve my business systems, and optimize how I delivered my virtual presentations (so we amped up my studio a bit). I worked on how I scheduled my time, and even how I took care of myself. Because while I'm somebody that is very mindful of my self-care, what I need for myself has changed over these crazy times, and I'm guessing it's the same for you. So pay attention to that.
I haven’t landed on this year’s word yet, so I’m staying curious to what comes up as I continue this process.
3) I’m taking part in DRY JANUARY. After a year of pandemic excess, that ended with holiday excess, I wanted to give my body a break from the booze, for sure… but I was also curious about what that break would do for my energy, mindset, and waistline. So far, I’m sleeping better, I’m more focused, I’ve lost a couple of pounds, and saving quite a bit of money. And, I’m learning that most of the drinking I’ve been doing has been more out of habit more than desire. So my guess is that moving forward, my drinking habits are going to change because of this. Which is awesome.
My friend calls it NO FUN JANUARY, but so far I'm choosing to reframe it into the wondrous possibilities. I like how I’m feeling and I’m proud of myself for giving it a go. I’m using an app called TRY DRY , that lets me keep track and celebrate milestones, and its kind of fun. I know we’re mid-month, but if you're curious about it and want to try even a week dry, the app is super helpful, and the insights are invaluable.
4) And the last thing I’m working on clearing the clutter. So I'm not only working on the mental clutter but I'm working on the physical clutter. I’m tidying my office and my studio, organizing my computer files, throwing out a lot of junk, and creating space to be more productive and creative.
As I spend time BEING and DOING in these ways, I can already feel my energy coming back. My enthusiasm for work is bubbling up in wonderful ways, and my creativity is too. So, I’ll stay in the process for a couple more weeks and see what comes up.
How about you? Honour what you need for yourself now to make the year ahead a great one. If your goals and resolutions need to wait awhile, it’s not lost time. I want you to really think about that. IT'S NOT LOST TIME.
Use this month to get clear, focused and energized. We can look more closely at those kick-ass goals next month. There's time my friends, for all that you are going to do. And, once we're clear on that, WATCH OUT WORLD, because we’re coming for you!
Before you go, if you haven’t already, don’t forget to check out my FREE 6-Day Work Life Reset . The link is below or in my bio and it’s a great start-of year mini-program to light your way to next. It's email-based, you get one email a day, and it's not overwhelming.
Until next time, I’m Michelle Cederberg reminding you we’ve got one chance to do this life. I say Dare to Live It Big, and at times, dare to stop, look and listen for signs of what BIG actually means to you. Especially now, after all that we've been through. #WeGotThis
Resources Galore!
? Don’t forget to sign up for my 6 Day Work-Life Reset . This is the perfect time of year to do it, and it’s free, so click the link, and get going!
? Sign up for my socials below, because there’s all sorts of interesting stuff coming down the pipe.
Empowering today’s dreamers, leaders and go-getters to create the life and career they want.
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