Is Clubhouse for you? Here's my #NOFOMO take.

Is Clubhouse for you? Here's my #NOFOMO take.

"Anyone has an invite from Clubhouse?"

"You need to be in Clubhouse right now."

Have you seen these statements on your newsfeed lately?

You might be curious what Clubhouse is. You might be having a huge FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) right now because you're not in it.

My main goal for this post is to help you manage this anxiety. As a marketer, I know how a new platform can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. 

I hope that after reading this post, you will be able to decide one of these three things:

  • Ignore it and move on.
  • Try it out, and then see what happens.
  • Build a strategy around it.

What is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is an invite- and audio-only app on iOS.

Anyone can join or create Rooms. A room is where people gather to listen to the ongoing conversation. Anyone who joins a Room has the opportunity to be invited "on stage" when they "raise their hand." You can also create a Room of your own and assign a topic to it. 

My Experience

I first heard about Clubhouse from Social Media Examiner CEO, Michael Stelzner. I, along with other marketer friends, immediately joined Clubhouse after seeing his post. 

I searched Clubhouse on Android, signed up, and for some reason, I could not find Michael on the app. I reported this back on his Facebook thread. As it turns out, Clubhouse is an iOS-only app, and you need an invite to get in. 

After learning that, I didn't think much about it. Although we have iPads and an old iPhone, my main device is now an Android. I didn't want to use another device for one app.

How I Got An Invite

Two weeks later, on Christmas Eve, I got a message from Y.A. author and my close friend, K.M. Robinson. She said she was saving her invite for me. I was ecstatic. I felt like an alien toy in Toy Story. The Claw finally chose me.

Watch this handy tutorial on how to use Clubhouse:

I even felt more special because I secured my first and last name as my username. I didn't have to add a number or extra article to make it unique.

Initial Impression and Main Opportunities

After spending time with my family on Christmas Day, I got the chance to explore it. I was jumping in and out of Rooms—always "leaving quietly." 


With in-person events and conferences still on hold, networking on Clubhouse is the next best thing. It almost feels like attending a panel session and getting the chance to interact with the speakers.


The best way to explain the experience in Clubhouse is a live podcast show. But the main difference is you can "raise your hand"and ask your questions live.


I discovered a lot of cool content creators. I usually won't discover them on Facebook or LinkedIn. I found a P.R. specialist who is producing a Lion King musical in Clubhouse. That is really cool! I immediately followed her after I heard her speak.


She also did a great job in promoting the musical during that Room session. If you do it right, Clubhouse is a great way to promote what you're working on.

Is Clubhouse for you?

Are you a marketer, influencer, or content creator?

As a marketer, I'm always excited when there's a new platform. It is my responsibility to investigate and see how I and others will find value in it. 

As a content creator, a new platform presents new ways to be creative. What types of content can I create? Will it bring something new or surprising for me?

When TikTok blew up during the start of lockdowns, I wasn't sold on it. But I knew I had to try it. I loved it because it was an excellent way for me to turn my video ideas into reality. For me, it worked as a short storyboard. I produced a short parody video of the famous Rocky montage, which involved my entire family. It was super fun! 

If you make a living as a marketer or if you're a company that serves marketers, then Clubhouse is worth checking out. Social Media Examiner and TubeBuddy are brilliant examples.

Are your potential customers on Clubhouse?

This is the most critical question that you need to answer as a company or service provider. If your potential clients and customers are on Clubhouse, you should give it a chance. 

Do you like consuming or creating audio content?

This could make or break your entire experience at Clubhouse. Do you love listening to podcasts? If yes, then you will love Clubhouse. 

If you don't include Clubhouse in your strategy, how will it affect your business?

Every time I add a new task to my daily routine, I always ask: Can I eliminate this task? Is there a negative impact if I don't do it? As a working mom with a toddler and a baby, I have to be very careful about which tasks, projects, and new platforms I need to spend my time on.

Is it critical for you to be on Clubhouse? If it's not, then you don't have to worry. You can move on and keep scrolling. If it's critical, then create a plan on how you're going to get started on Clubhouse.

Based on what you know so far, are there opportunities for your business?

Opportunities to grow your business is great. But not every opportunity will turn out great. The first opportunity I saw for Clubhouse was the ability to be "on stage" with influencers and marketers that I look up to. 

Why It's Okay to Miss Out

If you answered "no" to the previous section's questions, I would say it's okay to miss out on Clubhouse.

You don't have to lie awake in bed at night and worry that you're not in Clubhouse. Yes, there are advantages of becoming an early adopter on any platform. But you usually need to invest a lot of time and resources in the beginning.

If you have no room for a new platform right now, wait it out. It won't be the end of the world. Or it could be the end of the world—considering how 2020 has been—but it won't be because you're not in Clubhouse. :) 

You can put your FOMO to rest. Instead, you should celebrate the JOMO (Joy of Missing Out). This acronym has been my favorite ever since I learned it from Molly Mahoney, aka The Prepared Performer. She is doing amazing things on Clubhouse. You should go and follow her there!

The Jury Is Still Out

Please note that I've only been using Clubhouse for three days. And all I've been doing is listen. I got a ton of value from listening. I felt the content is more special, knowing that it won't be available for replay. 

My opinion will change in the upcoming weeks as I figure out how to include it in my daily routine and how it fits my overall marketing strategy. Currently, I listen in when I'm doing some mindless chore--when I'm washing the dishes or tidying up the house.

I've never spoken yet. I'm too shy to raise my hands. I can do a live stream on the spot, but for some reason, I have major "stage" fright when it comes to Clubhouse.

Are you in Clubhouse? I'd love to know about your experience. Also, follow me @irenechan. :)

If you're not on Clubhouse yet, did this article help you? What are other things you'd love to know?

Netanel Stern

CEO and security engineer

2 个月

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