Why it’s important take out atleast half n hour everyday from our busy life to meditate?
Being a mother, wife, daughter, daughter-in -law, sister, friend, and worker can be a bit overwhelming at times. When handling so many roles at the same time, emotions can get better of you at times. We feel that we don’t have enough time to juggle so many roles, how will we take out that half hour to mediate.
I used to feel the same thing but when I started meditating I realized that it actually has so many benefits that we end up saving lot of time. Let’s look at some of the benefits which I have personally experienced.
Meditation actually saves time as it gives clarity of thought ,makes us more creative,agile,helps in doing things faster which otherwise would have taken long time.
It helps to channelize our energy to do important things, which are on priority and do it in a very focused way and not procrastinate things.
Helps to make us mentally strong and not get carried away by our emotions which can affect our health, relationships, work. Many diseases are caused because of our stressful life’s; we can get rid of many lifestyle diseases by just incorporating mediation as it really brings peace, calmness and clarity of thought.
Helps in maintaining better relationship with ourselves and people around us as with meditation we become in charge of our thoughts, emotions,our life.
There are many ways of meditating, the most simplest and effective way is to just watch our thoughts.
Take few deep breaths to calm down the nerves and then just do nothing, watch your thoughts as they come and go. Let them come and go, just be a witness of your thoughts. When you feel you are getting carried away by some particular thought, just take deep breath and then again start witnessing thoughts. There will come a time when all thoughts will disappear and your focus will be on the third eye, point between eyebrows, stay there as much as possible but without putting any pressure. Let this be free flowing.You will see that your attention will stay there for sometime and will again drift to more thoughts. Its very natural. Just keep doing this and you will feel a sense of peace, calmness ,mental strength ,some divine connection. Do this for atleast half n hour everyday and see the positive change in you.
" The goal of meditation is not to control thoughts, its to stop letting them control you"