Why It's Important to Follow Your Intuition

By the editors of Shape.com

Why It's Important to Follow Your Intuition By the editors of Shape.com

We've all experienced it: That feeling in your stomach compelling you to do--or not do--something for no logical reason. It's what drives

you to take the long way to work and miss the

traffic accident or to accept the date with the guy

who turns out to be the one. And while it may seem

like a mysterious force, scientists are discovering

that intuition is actually a highly specialized way

of thinking. "It's learned expertise--something we

might not even be aware we had—that is instantly

accessible," says David Myers, Ph.D., a social

psychologist and the author of Intuition: Its

Powers and Perils. The good news is you can find

out how to tap into your gut, take control of

your destiny, and start living a more rewarding

life simply by answering these six questions.

1. Are you in tune with your environment?

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Ever wonder how

firefighters seem to know

when to get out of a burning

building--almost like they

have a sixth sense? Gary

Klein, Ph.D., a cognitive

psychologist and the author

of The Power of Intuition,

has spent years studying this

phenomenon. His conclusion?

"Firefighters have learned,

over time, to notice subtle

cues that are invisible

to the rest of us," he says.

"Their subconscious spots anomalies." In other

words, they're constantly

going through an internal

checklist. As soon as

something doesn't match

up, they know to get out.

Gut check

To fine-tune

this ability yourself,

identify a few places

you know very well, like

your home, office, or

neighborhood, and try to

find three things in each

that you've never noticed

before. This simple act

will help train you to be

attuned to changes or

irregularities. Once you've

picked up on a message

from your environment,

use it to make a decision.

For example, if you look

around your home and

notice that an electrical

cord has become frayed,

replace it. Even if you

don't have a child, you

may prevent a guest's

toddler from having a

serious accident.

2. Are you a good listener?

"In order to be

intuitive, you need to

actively pay attention

to what others and your

environment are telling

you," says Joan Marie

Whelan, the author of

Soul Discovery. The more

information you take in,

the more your mind has

to draw from when it

comes time to make a

pivotal decision.

To prove the point, in

2008 scientists from the

Max Planck Institute for

Human Development in

Berlin interviewed ordinary

people who had invested

in the stock market simply

by choosing stocks or

companies they'd heard

of before. The scientists

made portfolios of these

stocks and compared

their success to similarly

sized ones compiled by

industry experts. After six

months, the portfolios put

together by the seemingly

uninformed group had

earned more money than

the ones designed by the

pros. Why? Researchers

theorize that the rookies

probably chose stocks

they'd inadvertently heard

good things about. Tutors

actually advocate this type

of strategy when you're

stumped on a test or work

problem: Go with the

solution that resonates

most with you, even if

you can't pinpoint why

it seems right.

Gut check

To become a

better listener, start by

asking yourself, "How

often do I cut people off?

Am I frequently trying to

get my point across rather

than listening?" If so, try

maintaining eye contact

with the person speaking

to you. "You're less likely

to interrupt someone

you're staring at," says

Whelan. This will help you

really hear everything he

or she has to say. Over

time it will help you pick

up on things others don't.

3. Do you pay attention to body language?

Highly intuitive people

may seem like mind

readers, but the truth is,

they're just better at

guessing what people

around them are

thinking--largely because

they're adept at sussing

out nonverbal signals.

Gut check


believe that the ability to

read faces is a skill

we've acquired through

evolution. "Historically,

living in groups has been

extremely important to

survival," says Michael

Bernstein, a researcher at

Miami University in Oxford,

Ohio. "Being kicked out

of the group could mean

death, so people became

very good at evaluating

facial expressions and

social cues," he says. Now

a similar phenomenon

occurs with people who

have faced rejection (e.g.,

they've been booted out

of a clique at school or

gotten dumped), says

Bernstein, who published

his findings in a recent

issue of Psychological

Science. "They are

generally able to recognize

who is and isn't being

genuine simply by

scrutinizing their smiles."

To become a better body

language reader, says

Bernstein, stare someone

in the eyes when they

smile: "If the muscles

around their eyes crinkle,

it's the real deal. A faux

smile only requires you to

move your mouth." Rapid swallowing or blinking

and restricted arm

movements can indicate

dishonesty, notes Joe

Navarro, an ex-FBI agent

and the author of What

Every Body Is Saying.

4. Are you a risk taker?

A Stanford

Business School

study of 170 Silicon Valley

start-ups found that the

most successful were

not those with the most

experienced employees.

Rather, they were the

ones whose workers

had the most diverse

and unconventional

backgrounds--in other

words, the companies that

made risky hires instead

of just seeking out the

strongest résumés. "Going

out on a limb is another

bedrock of intuition. When

you take risks, you're being

proactive, which helps you

control events better than

when you're reactive," says

Whelan. In essence, you're

upping the odds that good

things will come your way.

Gut check 

Get in the

habit of actively seeking

out opportunities to do

things that are outside the

norm for you. Take an

unexpected route on your

evening walk just because

it feels right, or pick up the

phone and call someone

who inexplicably pops into

your mind. Not only will

this get you in the habit

of listening to your gut, it

will also help you get

accustomed to making

proactive choices. Chances

are, some of them will

eventually make a

difference. Reconnecting

with an old friend, for

example, could result in a

lead on a great new job.

5. Do you second-guess yourself? 

In a Michigan State

University study,

experienced chess players

did as well playing a

sped-up version of the

game as they did playing

it the traditional way.

In other words, they

didn't need to mull over

decisions to ace the game.

"Although some of what

we call intuition is actually

knowledge we didn't know

we had, another part of it

is conscious expertise,"

says Klein. "Getting back

to the firefighters, they've

been in so many burning

buildings, they know

to check for things we'd

never think of without even

realizing they're doing

it." If they stopped to

second-guess themselves,

the results could be

devastating. In fact,

research shows that when

it comes to things you

do all the time, stopping

and thinking can actually

increase your error

rate by up to 30 percent.

Gut check

Identify the

things you probably know

more about than most--

your health, family, and job.

If you have a strong feeling

about any of these, pay

attention to it—and ask

yourself as many questions

about it as possible

("How long have I felt this

way?" "What exactly am

I reacting to?"). Then write

down the answers and

determine whether

you're onto something

that could warrant further

action and ultimately

lead you to a wise (aka

intuitive) decision.

6. Can you let go and relax?

Scientists are

discovering that when

you’re looking for insight,

taking a break from what

you're doing is often the

best approach.

"Consciously or not, your

mind is always working.

Giving yourself permission

to let go of your focus and

ignore all the maybes and

what ifs can make room

for you to follow more

intuitive ideas," says Mark

Jung-Beeman, Ph.D., a

cognitive neuroscientist at

Northwestern University.

Gut check


something fun can give

your brain space for insight,

according to Jung-Beeman.

So try to find 30 minutes

a day for exercise, reading

for pleasure, enjoying

nature, or even squeezing

in a catch-up session with a

friend--anything that

steers your thoughts away

from daily stresses and

patterns will help clear your

head of clutter. During

those times, force yourself

to not think of anything in

particular. Instead let your

mind free-associate--and

don't be surprised if the

insight you gain leads

to an outcome you never

dreamed possible.


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