Why It’s A Good Thing When Your husband or Inner Circle Don’t Support You!

Why It’s A Good Thing When Your husband or Inner Circle Don’t Support You!

As many of you know, I just came out with my first multi-author book, which I’m in complete awe of because writing a book with five other women got a little wackadoodle. However, the stretching and growing that has come from me saying YES to my goals has far outweighed the messiness of collaborating with with five women on my first book, career change in my 30’s, getting my Master’s Degree while pregnant with my third baby.

These decisions happened because of my commitment to my ideal vision and my ability to give myself permission. While at times some of these choices weren’t super convenient for my family, they were all choices I felt called to act upon.

Now, I get asked all of the time by my clients and friends, what do you do if your husband or loved ones don’t support you? Let’s be honest. This happens. Not everyone agrees with your choices or even your dreams!

At least once a week I will hear, “My husband doesn’t think I need coaching,” and then I listen to women justify how their desires and dreams can wait because of their husband’s point of view.

While my husband loves me and, ultimately ends up supporting me — which I’m very grateful for, he hasn’t always bought into my ideas and how it is I want to experience my life.

Here’s the deal. This isn’t a bad thing. Want to know why? Each one of your goals and dreams are unique expressions of you and, until someone pushes back, you don’t get a sense of how much you really want it.

Think of the clothes analogy. You find a shirt you’re obsessed with. Only, the sales lady says she doesn’t have your size. This only makes you want it more. You go home and go to the end of the Internet and back until you hunt it down and find it in your size. It’s that resistance that makes you clarify and question ‘how bad do you really want it?’

I realize clothes aren’t the same as dreams and desires, but that feeling inside of you….not needing permission from anyone to go for it, that’s what I’m talking about! How good does it feel when you do track it down?! Come on. We’ve all been there.

So, when someone you respect, admire, and count on pushes back on one of your goals, dreams, or desires, it’s an opportunity for you to clarify how you want to move forward. Ask yourself this simple question: Why do I really want to experience this goal?

This is a chance for you to enhance your self-trust instead of letting someone you love discourage you. Listen to your heart and the answer that comes up. Then, move forward. There is a reason you have this goal, dream, or desire and, instead of seeking permission from somebody else to for it, give it to yourself.

As soon as you feel pushback on your goal or desire, it truly is the perfect opportunity to clarify and check in with yourself. I promise you will feel empowered by seeing this as a good thing and able to see things even more clearly about how you want to move forward. Remember, you get to choose how you want to experience your life, but this does require YOU to take the necessary steps to make it happen!

Give yourself permission to wake up, plug in, and play big. I’m eager to hear all about it.

Give yourself permission to experience the life you want,




