Why it's crucial to have a balance between short-term incentives and long-term culture building
Alvin Leung
Performance Consultant who believes in people's potential and possibilities! | HR Consultant, Corporate Trainer, Leadership Coach
I've recently experienced, in most of my corporate consulting engagements, that there are senior executives who are quick to pronounce glowing praise for excellent work performance, yet always fear and disregard dealing with the interpersonal issues and feedback from underlings regarding negative behaviors. Rather, they face and resolve visible results immediately in response to complex and time-consuming problems.
More importantly, this is essential for senior management, who should understand and appreciate the process of team-building in accomplishing long-term effectiveness. Performance and results are transient in nature if they observe only the results of today and do not lay down a positive team culture and model of collaboration for building the same. This we do by observing work and continuously giving feedback on actual behavior and communication for the long-term development and collaboration of the whole team.
We should work together to devote more attention to the balance between flash and long-run success. This will stand to represent not only a recognition of work but an investment in future sustainable development.