Why isn't your revenue growing?
Irina Chikomasova
Yandex Search Türkiye. LinkedIn Top Voice. Speaker. Mentor. Business & Life Coach
If your revenue or income isn't 't growing, there could 3 reasons for that:
The first reason is the lack of a financial goal or its decomposition
Some people wish to increase their income or develop their business but don’t set a specific amount of money they want to achieve. Others may just set a random amount without understanding its components.
For example, if the desired income/revenue is $N, how many customers and what average check will bring this income? And then - how many leads/subscribers will turn into that number of customers.
When your goal is set and broken down into components, it becomes realistic and clear "where this money comes from.”
The second reason is the unclear value and results your products deliver
Money is the equivalent of value. It's crucial to clearly understand what product you’re creating and what tangible results your product provides to customers. Without a clear proposition and honest customer results, sales and income growth stall.
The third reason is the absence of your team or the inability to delegate (my favorite topic!)
Solving this problem often helps to break through the financial ceiling that seemed to be concrete. The point is that your resources are limited, and because of this, you alone won’t be able to get hundreds and thousands of clients.
Build a team of strong and responsible people, and the results will follow.
Wishing you substantial growth this year!