Why iShipNet ?
International Shipping Network is a GLOBAL UNIFIED MARITIME ECOSYSTEM where Professionals from ALL OVER the WORLD communicate in real time and DO BUSINESS in A NEW PRODUCTIVE WAY.
Do i need any special skills to use iShipNet
iShipNet platform has been designed to look like a social media platform. If you have a basic experience on Facebook functions, then you are already familiar with iShipNet.
iShipnet platform, among the other offered benefits, has been designed to solve 3 huge problems that Maritime related companies deal with:
- Difficult and costly approximation between parties.
- Absence of Specialized modern tools that allow better and cost-effective communication.
- A large number of intermediates, that lead to high level commissions.
How can i be sure about the reliability of the system
All the companies registered with iShipNet are evaluated before the account is created. Access to the system is given after the evaluation of the Company info provided.
If we are not able to certify your company activities, you will be asked to provide your company profile or background.
So... you can be sure that
- The registered with iShipnet platform companies exist!
- The registered with iShipnet platform companies, are those who they claim to be!
How will i register my company with iShipNet
Registration is simple and fast!
Before you start your company's registration procedure, be sure you have your company LOGO (image file) available.
Then you click on Log-in menu at the top right and you follow the registration procedure. Your account details and uploaded documents will be evaluated and you you will be notified by mail when your company is active on iShipNet platform.
What about the available Profile Types
iShipNet categorizes the companies registered, to the online platform, according to each company's field of activities. Each company that registers to iShipNet, is required to upload it's company background, so that we can evaluate the new registration. If the company background uploaded, does not correspond to the company's profile type, the registration is rejected.
For example... if you are a Shipyard... you can not register with a Shipowner/Manager account type!
Sounds good, but can you exlpain in details what the benefits are?
We can not describe in details what the benefits might be for your company. We are not able to know how the iShipNet platform will be used by you! We do not claim that the iShipNet platform is going to boost your company's activities from the first day that you start using it! But we are convinced that it can be a money making machine if you manage to join it, as a toolbox, to your company's daily operation.
let us try to describe the iShipNet's functions, so that you can have a full picture of the platform.
Business Communication that allows the development of human relationships
We have created our platform having in mind human relationships! For Maritime companies that target the global market, personal relations might become the way to success. The iShipNet platform offers all the new technology features, that you have probably met on huge social networks (Sharing - Real time discussing etc), that has been proved that can bring people closer, even if the distance between them is huge.
Real time enquieries
Each company has the ability to share an enquirement, targeted to specific business categories or specific companies, and this inquiry will imediately appear on their timeline. We have created forms for the following types of enquirements so far, such as...
Real time approximation
As mentioned before on Real time enquieries, the enquieries show right away on your timeline. Here is your chance to be a part of your global market! Use the communication options offered on iShipNet platform to reply, send your offer, ask for more details or whatever you want. You are the one to decide who will contact with. The days that you were waiting till someone reaches you have passed.
Even if you are not online when a new enquiry has been posted, do not worry! You will be notified by mail so that you will not miss it. The platform of iShipNet is here 24/7 for you!
Master and Sub-Accounts
Ability of having Sub-Accounts under a main Master account for your company's departments. These Sub-Accounds are created on demand and work as normal accounts, with their own presence in iShipnet (different username and Pass) but... they are also accessible through the Master Company account that they belogn to.
Maritime Draft documents are always available online on the platform, as well as calculation forms like Voyage estimation - Dry cargo calculator and Amortization calculator.
All the actions that can take place on iShipNet platform, are governed by your privacy selections. You are always able to choose who you share your documents, posts or files with, on a default for your account and on a "by post decision" basis. The "by post decision" privacy settings, temporarily (only for the certain post) bypass your default account's privacy settings.