Why are Introverts Better Connectors?

Why are Introverts Better Connectors?

You might not be the type of person who loves to socialize, attend big parties, and network whenever you get the chance. But to be a great connector, you don’t have to. Successful connectors who would be classified as introverts often will enter into a social situation with a plan for those they want to meet and connect with. And, a plan almost always produces better results than going into a networking event or other meeting just “winging it.” To effectively connect with another person, it doesn’t matter whether you are introverted or extroverted; what matters is that you’ve spent some time thinking about which relationships are most vital and have a plan for reaching them effectively.

So, do introverts connect better than extroverts? Sometimes, yes. One of the nation’s best known networking professionals actually came to the realization that he is an introvert! Ivan Misner, PhD, founder of BNI and the author of 11 books on networking, shared with me in an interview I conducted for The Connectors that he discovered he’s actually an introvert. Misner said that his wife of 20 years told him during dinner one night that he displayed many introvert tendencies. Misner was shocked! How could the founder of the largest networking organization be an introvert? “It struck me why I started BNI,” Misner said. “I was naturally uncomfortable meeting new people. BNI created a system that enabled me to meet people in an organized, structured, networking environment that did not require that I actually … talk to strangers.”

Introverts, if they really want to make networking successful, will go into the event with a plan of action. Click here to download the free tool, “The Networking Planner for Introverts (and Extroverts)” and become a better connector today!

Kathryn Tague

Talent Development Executive & Inclusion Advocate

9 年

Great post Maribeth Kuzmeski! I couldn't agree more and appreciate the tool. I attribute this to introverts needing a purpose to network effectively. Plus the time they spend in reflection helps them to connect the dots whether it's for relationships, strategy or business development! Hope all is well!

Leslie Grossman

Giving Voice to the Courage & Confidence Within Women

9 年

Maribeth, Great blog. I was just discussing this with one of the CEOs in my Vistage group who attends networking events all the time but considers herself an introvert, though no one would think so to meet her. Many introverts miss the opportunity to start valuable relationships because of fear. Thanks for offering a solution!



