Why Intelligence OR Grit?

Why Intelligence OR Grit?

I just viewed this video posted by Forbes, linked here "Intelligence might not be the best indicator of future success." I had too much to say for the comment section under the post so I decided to publish my thoughts here.

I don’t understand why these terms are always referenced as mutually exclusive, specifically in the workplace. Why are we trying to prove that people with “grit” (resilience, passion & perseverance) are not as intelligent because they are "doers"? Does that mean that people deemed “smart” by society or test score standards don’t have grit?

To me, “grit” is a form of intelligence. It is a function of the brain that allows you to assess a situation, make decisions quickly and act accordingly. This process requires thought, willingness and commitment which can be highly advantageous in a variety of professional and life situations. Just because someone might need more time to solve a problem on a standardize test or learns differently than they are being taught (a pervasive challenge for students in primary and secondary institutions), does not mean they are not smart. Some people comprehend certain information in certain circumstances at a slower pace or on a different level than others; “certain” being the operative word. In my view, neither quality trumps the other. Intelligence and grit are equally valuable assets in different life and workplace settings and it is possible to be both or have traits of both regardless of your IQ score. 

A good leader will not perpetuate the all too common narrative that the office workhorse with “grit” is the “little engine that could”. As if the employee with “grit” can bang out a task list like nobody’s business but does not have the perceived “intelligence” to qualify for the next level roles that their more “intelligent” colleagues will be promoted into. People with grit often have the ingenuity to learn at an accelerated pace and people that are “smart” (by societies standards) can also have grit and/or acquire those qualities through life experience. A true leader will identify which areas of the work and the business require which level of intelligence (grit or book smarts) and assign roles and responsibilities accordingly.


Shayna McDonough, SHRM-SCP的更多文章

