Why Influencer S.T.A.R.S Are All You Need to Succeed

Why Influencer S.T.A.R.S Are All You Need to Succeed

When doing Influencer Marketing, you need real S.T.A.R.S.

Okay I know this might sound like the ambiguous, so let me explain further.

I don’t mean stars in the bright shining light sense, but individuals who have all the attributes of the acronym I mentioned.

So what does it mean?

They’re people who:

S = Says Positive Things

T = Targeted

A = Authentic

R = Right for YOUR Brand

S = Selective

So how is this relevant for your brand?

S = Says Positive Things

?Someone who says positive things will project positivity. A person with a positive outlook, demeanour, attitude and application is always going to be easier to work with. On top of this, it’s been proven those who smile more are happier and in some cases more successful. 

Anyone who’s worked on fairly large influencer campaigns will tell you no one finds it easy to work with a glorified pre-madonna - yes they may have amazing content but you need someone who’s a team player. In fact, in my own personal situation it almost completely derailed a campaign I once worked on! 

So pick the one who says positive.

T = Targeted

Influencers with a targeted audience - where they’re an authority over a particular topic, ensures your brand has a specific audience to talk to. The more specific their following, the more likely their audience is going to be loyal. And loyalty means trust, and trust sells. It’s a pretty simple formula!

A = Authentic

I feel the term “authentic” when said in an Influencer context has been overused. But the rationale is still as relevant as ever. High quality content, original ideas and a strong narrative combine to make up the magic word. Use influencers who are born magicians.

R = Right for Your Brand

Would you work with an Influencer who is known for sharing inexpensive revealing outfits when you’re into selling expensive modest wear? 

If you do, you’ve not thought about whether the Influencer is right for your brand!

This can be a costly mistake to make. 

Not only will your audience feel the association isn’t right, but you would have also wasted a considerable amount of marketing budget to see that it hasn’t returned the investment you’d have liked - simply because their audience doesn’t match your target demographic.

So spend some time making sure the influencer is right for your brand!

S = Selective

Selective. They say you should be this way when you’re looking to settle down. 

But you should also find an Influencer who’s been selective when working with brands.

Why is this important?

You don’t want to work with an Influencer who works with everyone - it means they don’t understand the value of their brand as well as meaning they’ve saturated their feed with promotional partnerships that don’t deliver value.

O top of this, if an Influencers determined already who’s the right fit for them, it means you won’t be messed around in early negotiations because you’ll know immediately if you are worthy of their time too.

And who said being too picky is problematic?

We all want to work with Influencers who deliver amazing success for us. But finding them isn't always easy.

However, with this formula, you'll give yourself the head-start you need to create the results you want.

So next time you build your influencers marketing campaign, don’t feel you have to look up to the skies to see the light to guide you (see what I did there) - rather look out for the S.T.A.R.S closer to home to deliver success for you! 


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