Why is Indonesia not an important country despite its large size?

When I saw this question I couldn’t resist answering it.

By the way… may all of the Quora readers, and my upvoters and followers, all be truly blessed over this season of goodwill. May 2019 bring rich blessings to all of you, especially to those of you who may be challenged by poverty, grief and loneliness. Remember, your Creator alone can create the miracle and turn your life around. When everything around you may be falling apart, trust in your Creator… simply ask for a blessing, and when you are blessed, don’t forget to pass on a blessing to someone who is less fortunate than you.

Back to the question…

Maybe Indonesia is not important in many parts of the world, but it is important to Indonesians and those who live in this wonderful land. But, let’s just briefly look at if it is true that Indonesia will not be important to the rest of the world in the future. Check out These will be the 21 most powerful economies in 2030 … there are numerous predictions from economists and large banks such as HSBC, which support the claim that in 11 years China will be the largest global economy in terms of GDP, followed by the US (2), India (3), Japan (4), and Indonesia (5).

So think again… if you think Indonesia is not important. Have you noticed something? In 11 years, 4 out of the 5 largest global economies will be Asian… Indonesia will be right in the middle of this financial tsunami.

Here’s a piece of info which is way under the radar. In November last year, Trump paid a state visit to China… a global event. However, during this visit, three of the most powerful men in the world had a secret meeting… Trump, Putin and Xi. The world media were banned from covering their meeting. But amazingly, these powerful men invited a 4th person to join them. Who? You’ve guessed it… Jokowi. Ask yourself, why would the 3 most powerful global leaders invite the president of a country which was not important? I would suggest that the opposite is true… Indonesia is very important.

I can hear you thinking… why did they want to talk to Jokowi? I can’t tell you as it’s supposed to be secret, but here’s some significant info.

The global economic system is broken and unsustainable… just Google it… most economists know the global financial bubble is going to burst… it will be far worse than 2008. Already, some countries are avoiding using the $US when trading. It’s commonly understood that there will be a global reset in the world economy. The whole world economic model is based on debt… the US alone has a debt of $21 trillion which can never be repaid. Traded derivatives are in the 100s of $trillions… they can never ever be repaid. The gap between the rich and poor is widening… hence Trump, Brexit, Paris riots, and numerous other upheavals around the world. Global currencies are based on zero value (fiat currencies). Global currencies used to be backed by gold… in other words, currencies use to have real value, now money is just worthless paper. When the US dollar and other currencies finally crash under the weight of debt, many economists believe that we will have to go back to gold-backed money. In other words, if you have a RP100k banknote in your hand, it would be worth RP100k in gold value. Right now, that red banknote is ‘fiat’, it has no actual value. Trump knows that money will have to go back to a gold-backed system… and very quietly he is constructing plans to make this happen.

So where is all this gold going to come from?

Does Indonesia own huge amounts of gold? I doubt it.

Does Indonesia have huge amount of gold in its possession? Aha… may be this is a clue to why Jokowi was invited to that meeting…

Is Indonesia important or not? Here’s another piece of info to consider…

In the economic downturn in 2008, countries such as Iceland and Greece were bankrupt, and the economies in most western countries went into freefall, resulting in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Everybody blamed the banksters and Wall Street, but in reality the whole global financial system is broken. While Indonesia was affected in 2008, the impact was relatively small. Why did Indonesia avoid this economic chaos in 2008? One of the reasons is that in Islamic law, gambling is forbidden. Trading in derivatives is gambling.Essentially, Wall Street and other global trading bodies gamble with money they don’t have and they place bets against debt. In any sane society, gambling with borrowed $trillions (100s) of debt would be illegal, but derivative trading drives the world economy. Indonesia’s Islamic law has protected and will continue to protect this beautiful country and its people from global financial predators. That is another reason why Indonesia is important… it’s relatively safe from this global greed. When the next economic crash happens, hopefully Indonesia will be largely protected.

Whether you agree with me or not about the above points, one thing for sure is that Indonesia will become increasingly important as other so-called developed economies and societies become entangled in the global war between globalism and populism.

Our democracy is 70 years young… we are still maturing into adulthood. Instead of criticizing everything what is wrong with Indonesia, how about opening your eyes to the incredible potential our people have to offer the world. Give Indonesia a chance, we are still a teenage economy which will soon be one of the 5 most important countries in the world. How about… what part do you want to play in our exciting future? Are you going to complain or contribute? You’ve heard about “Make America Great Again” (MAGA)… we are already great… it’s just that the rest of the world doesn’t know it yet.

As a Ph.D. researcher, I would suggest that as an Indonesian, you research online… it’s free! If you dig deep enough and long enough you will realise that global money and power is moving east. Make sure that you don’t miss out. Be an optimist… remember, while some of humanity may be heading towards self-destruction, our Creator has the last word… Be there when it happens…

Indonesians, your time has almost arrived…

Be patient.

Get ready.

Get fluent in English.

Get out of debt.

Believe in your country.

Believe in each other.

Believe in yourself.

[email protected]

Margareta Yessyca Soebekti

Founder at yestrade.id | Export from Indonesia and Import to Indonesia | From Corporate to Business Owner| Personal Growth

6 年

I just back to Indonesia after several years abroad. A lot of friends ask me why do I back to indonesia? While it is more east get more money abroad. I only believe it is my time to back Indonesia and starting something now


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