Why Indian Philosophy is "superior" to modern Western Philosophy?
The Celebrated French Philosopher, Rene Descartes, is allegedly the father of Modern Western Philosophy by saying, the now famous, 'Cogito Ergo Sum" (I think, therefore I am [exist]). But, Upanishad Rishis of India taught us, "I exist, therefore I think".?Even though, both are using "I", there is marked difference in the Semantics. The Philosophy of Upanishad or Atman/Brahman Philosophy interprets "I" as Atman or Consciousness, which alone is the fundamental reality.?But Descartes interpreted "I" as his "mind/intellect/body".?
The Central Problems of Philosophy is same everywhere. They are "Who am I?" (Ontological Problems), "What can I know?" (Epistemological Problems), "What should I do?" (Ethics/Aesthetics, Politics and other Value based enquiry). The difference lies in where one starts investigation. The Indian Philosophers started investigation from existential problems by placing humans as just another species and western Philosophers started investigation by placing man at the center of everything (Anthropomorphism).
Existential problems are superset of Essential problems, thus my observation!