Why is Indian food so delicious?

Why is Indian food so delicious?

 There are many reasons that Indian food is so delicious.  

  ·        Spices - Indian cooks know spices. They use a large amount of a large variety of spices and their cooking techniques maximize the flavor in the final product. A skilled Indian cook uses spices like a painter who uses colors that they have grown to be very comfortable with.

·        Tradition - Recipes are passed down from generation to generation and improved and adapted based on personal taste and available ingredients. If you practice a single recipe for hundreds of years, you're going to get it right.

·        Variety - India is a big place, with a lot of different types of culture to draw on. They have many climates, languages and food types and styles, and they all offer different kinds of awesomeness.

·        History - For the last 5000 years, their cuisine has been effected by all kinds of factors, such as a rigid class system, weather patterns and international trade routes.

·        Health - Indian food is prepared with health in mind. The spices that are used are good for you and tasteful also. The other ingredients are also used with balance and are healthful, such as coconut, beans, rice and many nutritious vegetables. Contrary to common American belief, healthy food tastes better then junk, when it's prepared by an artist.

·        Color - You eat with your eyes and nose before you eat with your mouth, and Indian food is both fragrant, and colorful.

·        Experience - Indian food provides a unique experience that many people would remember for their entire lives if they don't eat Indian food on a regular basis.

On average, Indian restaurants are cleaner, smell better and have a more comfortable ambiance then most other types of restaurants. The food is generally more difficult to prepare and is not always more expensive. Also, the people who prepare and serve it are generally sociable and pleasant to meet and talk to, almost as if they actually enjoy what they do.


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