Worthy audience, there is no doubt that a large number of protester of all the parties including PPP & PMLN have spun an excellent web / nexus to come out & protest on 24th November against the most failed arrangement of PPP & comewg=hatmay to forcibly snatch PTI mandate & made Zardari the President & Shahbaz the most irrelevant /incompetent PM .Folks large majority of people would protest in extreme rage to kick out the current regime which failed to bring Elite class under tax payers category ,resultantly poormen is paying external (foreign ) debt through utility bills & terrible rising of daily commodities prices /rents /school fee/installment of loans thus made them penniless, mentally sick & physically crippled due to extremely nerve wrenching &lungs choking SMOG.S They are fully ready to take any aggressive option if they are brutally maltreated this time. Some other factors to be noted are as follows:-

  • This is the most opportune time when PDM & PPP unnatural alliance after an internationally condemned manipulation in elections results & then sharing of reserve seats so as to ride regime bicycle with two sets of pedals one rear pair was run by PPP Constitutional posts (permanent) & the other front pair of pedals which had no handle .Suddenly both pedals jammed & broke, thus the false governance arrangement bursted into shreds. So it is the best time to hit the bully hard in the eyes .Therefore PTI & common people would go harder in huge number than ever before ,it will pay them in gold coins?
  • Folks IMF team suddenly landed in Pakistan w/o any schedule & forewarned PDM-II about their misdeed &pulled the ruling Elites pants down & threw it far away thereby exposing them unexpectedly very badly for their poor fiscal discipline ,lack of financial /institutional reforms, poor collection of taxes & misusing IMF loan not on people but for their own personal gains /political motives which is totally against IMF policy /agreement. PTII would take advantage of this weakness of the govt & expose them in huge rallies with a thundering noise. We thing PDM-II this time rent d]=some saboteurs & try to create id shooting or few bomb blasts anytime before or during the rallies.
  • In PDM II Govt /leadership there is none who owns responsibility of the actions & governance of the current regime . PPP being? on constitutional appointment plays no role at all except taking all undue advantage of Govt weaknesses & they flatly refuse owing the deeds / blunders of PMLN ,whereas PMLN has already been? let down ?by PPP in Constitutional Amendment?Bill approval & retaining? Faiz Isa on any judicial seat ,now PPP is becoming? headache for PMLN since Bilawal wants to kick out PM Shahbaz? Sharif ?as a big failure & aspire to replace him by hook or crook. Though Bilawal latest statements speak a lot about PMLN betrayal but it is a bluff to mislead PTI or to grab more concession & money from Federal Govt . On the other hand PTI feels delighted over apparent & severe rift between PPP & PMLN .Similarly lot many PDM leaders are unhappy with 26th Amendment which seem stuck in sheer chaos. PTI would take full advantage of PDM miserable plight & they would come on road on 24th November with full thundering & immense courage & we may assume that, this time Govt would not be able to bear this mammoth shock & may prefer to pack up?
  • Mr. Bilawal ridiculous story that he was the main leader/person /linchpin of the? moving majority support for the latest legislation about constitutional amendment & for that favour to PMLN he says PPPP was promised to be given lot many incentives & favours but now PMLN has backed out from those promises ? Folks all this looks big bullshit Bilawal is bluffing PTI as if his party has? distanced itself from PMLN.The fact is both are one & the same ?rascals who still are molesting Pakistan & they have intentionally let the Smog grow to enormous proportions & let people suffer heart failure & lungs bursting from SMOG terrible toxic impact/disaster so that they are unable to ?participate in PTI rally.
  • As regards Khawaja Asif Chitrol ( Harassment & assault in train ) coupled with expatriates Pakistani threat to harm him in future due to his indirect involvement in triggering 9th May conspiracy as well as large number of black deeds. Such a thrashing & illtrateatment has been gifted to almost all PMLN leaders in UK at different times .Folks if you mat recall ,it was a seen when Faiz Isa was travelling in London bent down masking his face in the car in great fear, the angry crowd was pelting shoes ,abusing in urdu & denigrating him for his filthy & highly biased decisions. Folks the most pertinent question rises that as to why only PMLN leaders are rebuked abroad ,why ?not other politicians . The answer is well understood even by the minors & youngster that PMLN deserve this disgrace? What happened to Khawaja Asif is very justified.? display of public anger, some of us tough he would be killed there or resign after that incident Why should people keep calm when the ruling Elites are molesting Pakistan image /pocketing Pakistan wealth with both hands whereas poor people are dying or getting with sucide ,accident's,hunger ,disease ,poverty,robberies, street crimes & SMOG…PTI would take full advantage of this ultimate /most miserable decline of PDM-II & come on street with more strength since they know ,now or never ?
  • Folks unscheduled & sudden visit of IMF team has badly degraded Pakistan Govt sat this moment of history when the world is taking new shape & Nations are searching trustworthy ,economically strong & reliable friends to make diplomatic alliance decisions .Who will stand by most corrupt, fanatically deceptive & politically divided & havin poorest /filthiest Judicial system with a silent Military Establishment getting huge loses at the hands of local terrorists & Afghan Taliban attacks . Te World /PTI is alert to the poor performance of the Govt over financial /institutional reforms, political instability, fake & fraudulent elections 2024 results & collapse of the system. PTI would not spare any chance to blow out PDM-II blunders in their rally ?on 24th November.We therefore believingly opine that it would be a death message for the enemies of Pakistan & if Imran Khan is grilled through military court then UNCLE SAM might screw the entire setup in the larger interest of the global comity since as per the east & west Pakistan Govt is a big hurdle in initiating peace in the region & not letting India rest in peace too?
  • On 16 November all of a sudden Mr Dentonic Monkey (Atta Tarrar) appeared on all TV channels & spoke rubbish /very hostile worlds about PTI involvement in 9th May incident & again & again called this tragedy histories biggest conspiracy & displayed video? evidence /proof showing PTI involvement in 9th May tragedy & tried to bluff people about 9th May 2024 real conspiracy which was hatched by PMLN to trap PTI & later blame them for the ..........This is highly provoking tactics & is to widen rift between PTI & Military Establishment,though such a clumsy /clueless move had further proved that PTI involvement is a biggest lie since there was no substantial evidence /proof seen in the video which would make a worthwhile trial case against Imran Khan & PTI leadership .On the contrary it has enraged /energised PTI & common man to protest against the liars govt representative & rented media .

2?? Worthy audience .there have been numerous incident of misfortune where Pakistan lost track of the stability & civil-militsry relations or made diplomacy blunders ?owing to political leadership error of judgement or their wilful defiance with the state & serious lack of political harmony between ruling elites & opposition but we have seldom heard? about mysterious divide within the Business tycoons & ruling Elites & Intelligentsia . Dear readers PDM wanted to lay a cobweb of tyranny for Imran Khan starting from imported regime (cipher conspiracy) time to this day & keep him shackled in a death trap but they instead fell in that pit of disaster & lost everything for ever. In future we definitely /visiv]bly foresees lot of changes including change about current regime. We also assume that in case PDM-II is out of the Govt Imran Khan would never take risk of handling this broken system. Imran Khan would be back with Trump & Military ?Establishment strong backing very soon to go for new elections or a better solution after ousting monsters??????// ??


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