Why is it important for nurses to take the OSCE to work overseas?
Why is it important for nurses to take the OSCE to work overseas?

Why is it important for nurses to take the OSCE to work overseas?

Nursing is a fundamental aspect of the healthcare sector and many within the field desire to work overseas to broaden their potential and knowledge, plus to earn a considerable amount of salary. If you are a nurse thinking of working overseas then you should probably start to consider taking the OSCE.

What is the OSCE examination?

An Objective Structural Clinical Examination, also known as OSCE, is one of the common tests that is frequently used in the health sciences (medicine, physical therapy, nursing, pharmacy, and dentistry) to assess clinical skills, performance, competence, knowledge, skills, and attitudes in areas like communication, clinical examination, medical procedures/prescription, clinical decision-making, clinical thinking/reasoning, exercise prescription, joint mobilisation/manipulation techniques, and/or interpersonal skills.

What is an OSCE station?

An OSCE exam consists of a variety of situations, each of which takes place in a distinct station. Candidates walk from one station to station during the OSCE, participating in various situations involving dummy patients (actors who are taking the roles of patients). They are evaluated by examiners at each location, and a performance-based score is given.

Before entering a station, the candidates or students are informed of the upcoming scenario, and they are given two minutes to be ready for the test. The candidate will be informed about the patient’s age, gender, and medical complaint, as well as the station where they will be meeting them. The station can last anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 minutes, and on occasion even longer, depending on the organisation administering the OSCE.

What is the pass mark for OSCE?

According to the above-described structure, questions for individual exams are chosen to offer a wide range of curricular content, a consistent and careful mix of questions, with a comparable level of difficulty. Consequently, the passing score stays within the range of 155 to 163 (that is out of a maximum of 240 marks). The Angoff scores for 12 of the 13 questions used in that exam, excluding the “test” question (see below), are added together to determine the pass mark for each day of the exam.

Based on predetermined standards, one of the 13 stations is chosen to serve as a “test” station following the exam. This “unfit station” (also known as the “test” station) was used if there was an operational issue that prevented the question from running consistently for all candidates. The newly Angoffed question whose average mark has the largest difference below the Angoff score for that question is dubbed the “test” station if there is no “unfit” station. The question with the smallest difference above the Angoff score is designated the “test” station if no additional Angoffed questions score lower. This strategy benefits applicants since it eliminates the least dependable question.

As mentioned above, the majority of the OSCE questions used in the October 2021 exam were questions that had already been administered and, as a result, remained unaltered. As a result, the Angoff score for those inquiries did not change from earlier tests. The test station was eliminated in accordance with the previously mentioned regulations because there were no “unfit” stations in the OSCE in October 2021. The number of test takers decreased by just one overall when the worst-performing station was removed from the model each day.

The pass rate varies because a criterion-referenced method is employed to determine the pass mark. The most recent exam had the lowest pass percentage, and the highest pass rate was 100% in the first OSCE session. The exam becoming a required component of the CCT training programme has been previously blamed for the overall lower trend in pass rates over time (which was voluntary when it was first established).

Why is it important to take the OSCE?

For nurses and midwives who have received their training outside of the European Union, this practical exam is a must as it demonstrates their capability of handling according to the UK or European criteria. Aside from the knowledge they have gathered as nurses in their native country, they need to understand the health sectors overseas as the rules and regulations, law, and medical practice might differ. Having passed this exam is testimony that foreign nurses have the professional competence to apply their practical knowledge in a foreign clinical context.

How can Amrak help you?

Amrak is dedicated to providing the necessary qualifications for aspiring young individuals to become registered nurses locally and internationally. We offer certificate courses, diploma courses, and degree programmes for students, which help them to pursue a career in Sri Lanka as well as abroad.?

Our Clinical Fellowship Programme is specially designed for individuals hoping to go abroad. The Clinical Fellowship Programme (CFP)?is an award-winning training programme that offers opportunities for nursing staff to gain experience in a range of clinical specialities by working with leading Trusts including the NHS Partner Organisations. This programme is offered to both UK and International applicants seeking expert clinical experience for an advanced career progression. Through this programme, nurses can advance their careers in a range of specialities including Medicine; Surgery; Trauma/ Orthopaedics; Critical Care, or Theatres.?

Head to our website at?www.amrak.lk?for more information on the course programme and requirements.

Or call us now at +94-112-140-222 or email us today [email protected].?


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