Why the Immigration Bill Failed on February 7, 2024
Anthony Hernandez
Volunteer at Scobee Education Center and Educational Volunteer (NASA-STEM), Planetary Society-Member
There have been stories and rumors of the U.S. flying illegal immigrants in secretive flights, a number as high as hundreds of thousands; this sounds far fetch and something out of a Tom Clancy spy novel. The Center for Immigration Studies and Border Protection has verified the story. The operation was in 2023, from January to December, and involved flying immigrants from foreign countries from about 43 U.S. airports. According to a Freedom of Information lawsuit filed by the Center for Immigration Studies and Border Protection, they approved several secretive flights.
Elon Musk, the billionaire, was swiftly condemned on the internet for comparing the secret flights and comparing it to 9-11 rhetoric. Elon Musk was accused of supporting Doland Trump and following the former President's narrative. Elon Mush rebutted the accusation from woke media and people targeting him for his response that he is not giving any campaign money to Donald Trump or President Joe Biden; once he made this statement, woke media and their supporters walked away from targeting Elon Musk. We need and want secured borders to be considered part of our country's national security plan. He mentioned that the administration is importing voters, and illegal immigrants cannot vote in federal elections, and that Titled 8 Immigration Laws prevent such acts.
Many of these illegal migrants, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, an organization that advocates for immigration restrictions. The current administration has refused to list all individuals flying into U.S. airports under the administration's "parole program," this allowed Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Haitians, and Cubans to stay for up to two years in the U.S. The Center recorded that up to 325,000 unvetted people have flown into the U.S. abroad on these flights, but not fully or partially disclosed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection; the current administration prevented the agency from revealing these facts.
"Angelo Fernandez Hernandez, a White House spokesperson, said there were no secret flights into the country, which was all categorically false. So, let's look at the definition of "Parole"? The definition of the word parole is according to the Oxford Dictionary. The following is the definition of parole: "1. The release of a prisoner temporarily (for a special purpose) or permanently before the completion of a sentence, on the promise of good behavior: they committed a burglary while on parole or have committed another type of felony." "2. Release (a prisoner) on parole: after serving nine months of a two-year sentence,"
So, these illegal aliens are being flown into the country on secret flights, and they are not on parole; according to the Oxford Dictionary, they first have to be arrested and convicted in a court of law. The Center for Immigration Studies says that CBP approved the flights and flew about 320.000 into the U.S. in 2023, and information was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. Bensman, a spokesman for the administration, stated, "He does not consider the portal program as secretive; he finds it "enigmatic and lacking in transparency." According to Associated Press Elliot Spagat, on March 6, 2024, it was unfounded that Biden flew illegal migrants into the U.S. and that the story is baseless. The ones who brought up this issue were the Center for Immigration Studies, an organization that advocates for immigration restrictions, which filed a Freedom of Information Act to obtain official government records. So, who is telling the truth? Is Mr. Elliot Spagat and Mr. Angelo Fernandez Hernandez telling the truth? Or is the Center for Immigration Studies telling the truth? It sounds like all parties are telling the truth; let's face it any company or governmental officials and their press staff will and can put a spin on any story to reduce damage control and make it sound like what officials are telling the story, to discredit any negative news story or discredit opponents questioning a current administration in power.
An example is the stories the Democrats tell versus the narrative the Republicans tell their version. On May 11, 2023, the Republicans had control of the House of Representatives and approved an immigration package with Title 42 set to expire. No matter if they are Democrats or Republicans, no matter what bill they try to pass in the House or the Senate, there are what you call pork belly attachments to the bill, to add, for example, the funding for War in Ukraine, funding for Isreal, or some road and bridge projects, this what you call compromise. Yet, the U.S. Congress does more to argue and is unwilling to solve or fix severe issues for our country. In their first year, a congressperson can make up to $700,000 or more to be part of the congressional millionaire club. So, which party is good and which party is terrible? Informing people not to vote for the party but vote for the individuals' qualifications and policies they support to help the American citizens and voters make informed decisions and not to rely on mainstream media that all newspapers, radio stations, and television stations are controlled by the rich and elite, and they control the narrative. This is why YouTube, TikTok, and other social media do not heavily sensor information; independent video channels focus on getting the real story and truths, and they research several sources to better inform their audience.
U.S. Congress is like children, spending more time arguing and fighting and not concentrating on the real issues that citizens are concerned about and fixing this nation's problems; on May 11, 2023, The U.S. House of Representatives, with a majority of Republicans, were able to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill, without pork belly attachments to the bill, at that time Republicans were for the new bill, and Democrat was against the bill. When the House sent the bill to the U.S. Senate, the Democrat majority. The Democratic Senators took one look at the bill, that had no attachments to fund the Ukraine War, and other pork belly projects, the majority of Democrats in Senate decided to let the bill die in the Senate chambers.
This time around, the President wanted a bi-partisan bill to reform immigration. The House of Representatives created the bill as part of the bipartisan Immigration Bill, for a funding of 118 billion dollars. Part of the bill will include $60 billion in an aid package and $14 billion for Isreal, a bill presented for February 7, 2024. As the debt went on about funding and overspending, congressional members argued from the Republican side and the Democratic side. Trump injected himself into this argument on illegal immigration that Biden already had all the authority and needed to use the laws that were already on the books. Back to George H. Bush until Donald Trump, when he left office, he handed President Biden the most secured borders of the U.S., which dates back to President George H. Bush, President Bill Clinton, President George W. Bush, and President Obama. When President Biden entered office, he started dismantling the former president's policies to secure and protect the borders, which is part of a comprehensive National Security policy. In April 2021, Biden kept his promise to open the borders, to let everyone and anyone into the U.S. Today, we have border crises of over 7.6 million who have been processed by border patrol agents and are no longer enforcing U.S. Title 8 Immigration Law. The border agents have been turning into desk office processing clerks to process all of the illegal migrants; some get cell phones, a bus ticket, or a plane ticket to the city of their choice at taxpayers' expense.
The $118 billion bill, called the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, was formed to make changes in the border policy. Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz described this bill as "a steaming pile of crap," the bill failed in the U.S. Senate on February 7. One of the reasons the bill failed was that it had foreign aid for Ukraine and Israel included. Second, the bill would allow Customs and Border Protection to continue having more resources to process individuals coming into the U.S. illegally and not conduct their duties as law enforcement agents.
There has been so much disinformation from both parties, and correct information that is documented in U.S. Governmental records, and various You Tube channels, other stations, and printed articles on the internet. The other problem is people are so busy working and making ends meet, that they only listen and rad from mainstream media, that controls the narrative on news in the U.S, I did not believe this, until I started to travel more internationally, saw for fact that the U.S. media does not report stories and hides facts from the American public. Many ill inform people believe that congress shut this bill down, because Trump said, and people listen to main stream media or government funded television and radio stations that receive part of their operational funds.
Some ill-informed citizens say that this immigration crisis issue is not a problem and is partly false or all false. One said that how do we know illegals are causing more crimes in the U.S. The response to that is there are police reports, arrest reports, and illegal aliens who have been arrested and are before the court to have their backgrounds checked. These background checks are through local police databases, state criminal information systems, federal criminal information systems, and Interpol, an international European police agency. The U.S. Government has a particular database that keeps records of human traffickers, drug dealers, criminals, the U.S. Military, and even data on illegal alien’s database of them serving time in prison involved in criminal activities in their own country. Another argument for open borders is that it is okay, and tp violate immigration law. As more illegal aliens commint serious felony crimes in the U.S., it is hurting the majority of families coming into the U.S. to better their lives. Some say well “we have crimals and rapist already here, so what’s the point”. The point is these individuals do not respect authority and are willing to violate the law and commit crimes.
Yet, we as a nation are not vetting who these people are coming into the U.S. to discover their history and if it could harm national security. Not all illegal aliens are here to do harm but to better their lives and be part of the American Dream. One person stated well, we let Cubans come in masses, but that is one country; today, people are flooding into the U.S. from up to 170 countries. The Cubans were leaving because of President Castro of Cuba, which was a particular case, and only one country under President John F. Kennedy because the “Bay of Pigs Operation” failed because of bureaucracy. Many of the men who tried to overthrow Castro were executed, thrown into prison, and families threatened, and this is what drove people in Cuba to escape as soon as they could. The U.S. policy at the time was if the U.S. Coast Guard caught you, you would be stopped and sent back to Cuba, but if you were able to make it and stand on U.S. Soil, the U.S. would help the Cuban people and set up home in the USA.
A story written by Cesar Cuahtemoc Garcia Herandez, who is an author and law professor at Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University, stated that |This Immigration Bill Was Never Going to Fix the Border." Anyone seeking to cross the U.S. Border can do so and still be processed by CPB agents. This law had an exception that up to 4,000 illegal aliens could cross the U.S. border and be processed; any number above individuals would enter the U.S. and be detained, arrested, and then deported. This law that failed would have allowed still more people to come into the U.S. illegally and, in a year, would have added another 1.8 million illegal aliens into the United States. Mr. Garcia Hernandez is not working as a law professor; he writes articles for various news outlets, one of them being the New York Times.
Elon Musk has charged that the administration allows people to come into the U.S. to bring voters." There is no parole for a pathway to citizenship. According to White House staff, Biden can exercise parole authority, has been allowed by land and air for up to one million, and is on a case-by-case basis. "Angelo Fernandez Hernandez denies the secret flights, and the people allowed to come in by the current administration were Thoroughly screened." There were no secrets that people were being flown from foreign countries into the U.S. Links to story articles have been added; it is up to the individual to read beyond this posted article and read all the link stories; some news outlets are suggesting these stories are false, and for the person to make an informed decision as to if this is happening or not.
https://abcnews.go.com/ US/wireStory/fact-focus-biden-falsely-accused-secret-flights-hundreds-107867894
https://www.khou.com/ article/news/verify/immigration/biden-migrant-flights-fact-check/536-64ae0961-10e4-4d2c-882c-ca0771d4695b
https://apnews.com/ article/fact-check-misinformation-immigrants-parole-biden-trump-musk-dbd634820b3f8d07b859b8a05b2b20a7
https://apnews.com/ article/fact-check-misinformation-immigrants-parole-biden-trump-musk-dbd634820b3f8d07b859b8a05b2b20a7
https://www.bing.com/ search?pglt=41&q=the+definition+of+parol&cvid=fc5a497b01ab446b94e74496234ffea4&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQABhAMgYIAhAAGEAyBggDEAAYQDIGCAQQABhAMgYIBRAAGEAyBggGEAAYQDIGCAcQABhAMgYICBAAGEDSAQg4MzExajBqMagCALACAA&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=WSEDDB
https://www.bing.com/ search?pglt=41&q=opther+news+sources+verifying+secret+flights+of+illegals+into+the+us+by+biden+administartion&cvid=b17f9dcf6699478681417863fada477b&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTM2Mzk4ajBqMagCALACAA&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=WSEDDB
https://www.law.cornell.edu/ uscode/text/8/chapter-6
https://uscode.house.gov/ view.xhtml?path=%2Fprelim%40title8%2Fchapter6&edition=prelim
https://uscode.house.gov/ view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title6/chapter1/subchapter4/partE&edition=prelim
https://www.law.cornell.edu/ uscode/text/8/chapter-12
https://guides.ll.georgetown.edu/ c.php?g=273371&p=1824780
https://www.uscis.gov/ laws-and-policy/legislation/immigration-and-nationality-act
https://www.law.cornell.edu/ uscode/text/8/1325
https://www.usnews.com/ news/politics/articles/2023-05-11/house-republicans-approve-immigration-package-with-title-42-set-to-expire