John Patrick Morgan
I lead the exodus for high-achievers - helping them leave behind the golden handcuffs of corporate life and step into the freedom, fulfillment, and financial independence of coaching.
One of the rewarding things about sharing the story of who you consistently create yourself to be is when others start to take on the ideas you conceived as parts of their own story and reap the reward and benefit of that idea in their life.
One of the ideas I have inculcated into a pattern of being is that ‘I am immediate action’. This began years ago and since then many of my clients have taken it and run with it. It looks different in all of their lives.?
Some have lived this idea out to make more money, some to lose weight, some to improve their relationship with their partner and some have simply used it to love themselves more often and deeply.?
It’s the idea I hear my clients repeat back to me more often than any other.
However, it struck me this morning that I hear it so often, not because it’s being utilized to liberate and empower, but actually as an unintentional subtle form of self-judgment.
As I reflect, I can more often hear my clients saying “I just need to be immediate action” more than I can hear them reporting that they are or have been immediate action.
On the surface, these subtle proclamations of what one ‘just needs to be’, looks and sounds like acknowledgments and acts of forward creation.?
Most often though, they are the tip of an iceberg of judgment momentarily bobbing to the surface of awareness and speaking.?
It struck me this morning that this idea of ‘immediate action’ has risen to the top of the list of ideas that my clients take on, not for its particular brilliance or liberating power, but for how closely it aligns with the social-cultural demand for productivity.?
The story is a common one and it goes something like this:
If I were just to take more action, to act more often, to act more quickly, then I’d succeed and then I’d be safe, I wouldn’t be alone and I’d be loved.?
The idea of being ‘immediate action’ is so popular because our subconscious, fear-based self-image sees it as a sure path to safety and love.
From the outside, immediate action sounds like a way of being in the world that is more effective and more productive.?
Here’s the thing though; when I conceived the idea of immediate action as my way of being, it was not to meet some ideal of productivity in the world. In fact, it wasn’t about productivity at all. It was about removing what was in the middle.
Our modern meaning of the word immediate emerged from the concept of ‘not middle’, meaning nothing in between one thing and another.
For me, that thing in the middle was judgment in the form of doubt or worry.
Doubt or worry about who I was or what my action would mean or not mean.
To be immediate action is not a way of being more productive. It is a way of not judging myself.
It is saying YES to the direction of the river’s flow. The river is the action. The immediate is my simply not swimming against it.
Our minds are so slippery. With good intentions, we use our consciousness to declare greater possibilities for ourselves without realizing that often these speakings and intentions are a masquerade for the echoing out of our perpetual punishment by the idea of the common.?
This is a good reason to hold everything lightly, even our most cherished principles and ideals.
With a peaceful smile on our faces, like a kind of happy buddha, we should remain suspect of everything we think, feel, and believe. Suspect that it is truly good. Suspect that it is truly true for us and not us hiding out from that which we fear or hate.?
One of the surest ways to un-cover these ways of hiding out is to expose yourself to a conversation where others are listening for your being beyond your speaking.
Put yourself in a context where people you trust will listen to you and reflect back to you what sits in your blind spots. Open yourself to the possibility that within those things you hold most sacred are the little devils that hold you back and direct you round and round in circles instead of where you want to go.
This kind of conversation is exactly what the recurring experience of Creating Dialogue in Creator’s Circle is like over the course of a year.
When you meet with your circle every week for a year, the patterns you live out from your blind spots become glaringly obvious to everyone else's growingly trained bodies, ears, and eyes. For those who hang with the tension, the power ripens and intensifies over time. By the end, you’ve come to know yourself in a clearer light, and not only that, but you’ve created a new adeptness at smiling inwardly with healthy skepticism.?
If you’d like to join me, Darren Farfan and the 10 awesome others on this journey, then reply to this post or schedule a call with us today:?https://WeAreCreating.com/lets-talk
Speak with you soon.
Loving you, JPM