Why I’m optimistic about the future of Manly (and New South Wales)

Why I’m optimistic about the future of Manly (and New South Wales)

And why I think you should be too.

Being a new year, I thought I’d share a perspective on what I hope to achieve for Manly in 2018 and - importantly - some observations on why I am so optimistic about our future.

Due in large part to social media and the short news cycle we increasingly see a distorted view of reality and are either led to believe that things are far worse than they really are or that the future is bleaker than it really is.

My observations - set out below - are based on the insights and evidence that I have collected over the past ten months having met hundreds of people from all walks of life in our community and assisted people with all manner of issues as their State MP.

This has given me a unique perspective.

I am here to represent and deliver the best I can for the people of Manly.

My Facebook; website, newsletters and Instagram are a transparent way of assuring that not only am I directly tackling the issues facing our electorate but I am focused on delivering not just good outcomes for Manly, but the best available outcomes.

I am realistically optimistic about our future. Here are a few facts on why I think you should be too...

1. Community spirit is alive and well

Since May of 2017, I have been delighted to announce more than $372,000 in funding for local projects, by locals for locals.

From fixing the old Scout Hall at Ivanhoe Park to buying a new kitchen for people with disabilities at Sunnyfield in Freshwater. My observation is that there is an often unseen yet incredibly strong sense of community and volunteering throughout the electorate.

Like many others, groups such as Community Northern Beaches, The Sisterhood, Rotary Club of Manly and Rotary Club of Balgowlah, the Lions Club of Manly and Dalwood Auxiliary Seaforth contribute significant time and energy and in doing so they strengthen the fabric of our community while caring for those perhaps less fortunate or who find themselves in difficult circumstances.

2. Our local schools are benefiting from significant funding

If you ever needed an insight into why our future is in good hands, you only need to see our young people celebrating their achievements. I was fortunate to attend 12 primary and high school end-of-year assemblies in 2017 - what a joy a privilege it was.

Teachers are the often unsung heroes who are building the future leaders of our community and I am determined, for both our teachers and students, to ensure progress continues on the multi-million dollar school upgrades of both Curl Curl North Public School and Manly Vale Public School.

This is in addition to millions of dollars spent on upgrades and repairs to all our schools over the summer holidays.

3. We will have more access to public healthcare services than ever before

In 2018 the NSW Government will open the new $50 million community health centre at Brookvale as well as the new Level 5, world-class Northern Beaches Hospital.

Between a brand-new, state of the art public hospital and the new community health centre, access to important health services will be easier than ever before. Manly Hospital will remain in public ownership and I will work with the relevant Government departments and the community to ensure the best outcome for our community.

4. We are safer than ever

Local crime statistics show a decrease across the board in reported crimes throughout the electorate of Manly, and it was my pleasure to address Parliament in 2017 and commend the Manly Local Area Command on the great work they do. Congratulations and thanks must go to the tireless work undertaken by our local police and emergency service personnel.

That isn’t to say we can’t improve - participating in the White Ribbon walk along Manly Beach is a stark reminder of domestic violence in our community, and the work still required.

“Today there are more than 10,000 commuters carried to work on our blue harbour highway.”

5. Our public transport is working and has an exciting future

When the Manly Fast Ferry service commenced in 2008 there were about 2,000 fast ferry passengers a day. Today there are more than 10,000 commuters carried to work on our blue highway. The increase demonstrates the success of the service and signals the need to continue investing in water-based and non-traditional transport methods.

Transport is something I am passionate about and I have focused on delivering tangible improvements in my first few months, including the new Manly to Barangaroo Fast Ferry service, which commenced in September 2017, introducing OpalPay on the Manly Fast Ferry (and soon on other fast ferry services), tap-and-go payments on the iconic Manly Ferry, a new On Demand trial, the introduction of the B-Line rapid bus service and increasing existing bus services across the Peninsula.

Continuing to enhance public transport is a commitment of mine for 2018.

6. Our local environment is a priority

Our beaches, from Manly to Curl Curl, all scored highly for water quality and we continue to make progress with multiple beach regeneration projects. We had a huge community win securing a $62 million investment to upgrade the North Head Wastewater Treatment Plant, and rolling out state-wide the Return and Earn container deposit scheme.

Importantly, and as a recurring theme, it is volunteers and community organisations who drive much of the positive change. The likes of SO Manly, the Manly penguin wardens, Curl Curl Lagoon Friends and the Friends of Cabbage Tree Bay all play an important role and I look forward to supporting them in 2018.

Again the hard work of volunteers is appreciated in preserving our local environment.

7. We have a local economy that is diversifying and strengthening

Retail trading is tough as it faces digital distribution but our local economy is positioned well to capitalise on the opportunities, not just the challenges, of this disruption. Due to the leadership of the Manly Business Chamber and the Hello Manly Booking and Information Centre, we are seeing consistent growth in highly skilled business relocating to Manly as the diversification of businesses continues. This in turn generates employment and creates a self-sustaining local economy.

8. The national economic outlook is strong, driven by NSW

ABS data released late last year shows the national labour market has gone through its strongest 6-month stretch in almost 33 years - creating an additional 273,000 jobs for Australians.

A significant portion of that job creation nationally is due to the efforts of the NSW economy with the lowest unemployment of any state.

Generally speaking, the national economy is improving - yes household debt is hight, wage growth is not what it needs to be and the continuing challenge for first home buyers (myself included). I will continue to champion initiatives from the NSW Government such as the First Home Buyers Assistance Scheme.

“There is so much to be excited about for our State.”

9. Finally, NSW is getting the infrastructure it deserves

According to the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Philip Lowe, nearly $100 billion is local, state and federal funds will go towards the infrastructure boom this financial year alone.

Now more than any other time in the history of the State, the NSW Government is building much needed infrastructure including including the Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link, the new Sydney Metro project, WestConnex and NorthConnex.

Not only are we investing in over $70 billion of large scale infrastructure projects, but we are also investing unprecedented amounts in hospitals, schools, local projects and cultural infrastructure.

Having worked with both Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Treasurer Dominic Perrottet MP and Ministers across all portfolios over the past ten months it is clear that the continued investment this Government is making across for board - for all of our communities - means there is a lot to be excited about for our State.

The year ahead...

Here’s what you can expect from me in 2018 - in addition to achieving what needs to be done for our community in the broad areas of transport, schools, public healthcare and our local environment I have identified some ambitious initiatives, formed from a variety of data gathered over the past ten months:

  • Expanding the NSW Marine Park: alongside my Liberal colleagues Mark Coure MP, and Felicity Wilson MP, we will be leading the charge in understanding the benefits and next steps for the possible expansion of the marine estate to include Sydney Harbour.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Network: I’ve written to the NRMA to discuss Manly taking a key role in the electric vehicle charging network - I want to embrace the future and put our stake in the ground to participate as a community. I’m not talking about subsidies or tax incentives, just on the ground infrastructure and networks making it easier to charge an electric vehicle.
  • Championing Autonomous Vehicle: working with the Minister for Roads to see how we can improve the legislative framework and setting to further encourage and facilitate the testing and eventual use of autonomous vehicles in NSW.
  • Progressing a proposed Innovation Hub for Brookvale: I have convened a roundtable meeting with Jobs for NSW, local stakeholders and the Northern Beaches Council economic team to progress a proposed Brookvale Innovation Hub focused on Advanced Manufacturing. We will seek to connect the training and learning in our local high schools with the skills gap which currently exists on the Northern Beaches. Manufacturing is not dying in Brookvale, it is changing and we must be prepared to evolve with it.
  • Positioning Manly as a global leader in mass-scale solar projects: Manly has become an international go-to location for solar energy expertise. Industry insiders have given Manly the nickname 'Solar Beach'. Manly, it seems, has the necessary ingredients to become a global leader in financing, project management and development of mass-scale solar farm projects around the State. I will be inviting the Parliamentary Secretary for Renewable Energy Ben Franklin MLC to discuss how the NSW Government can assist.

These are in addition to the Beaches Link Tunnel project, free parking at the green-walled Manly Vale commuter car park, the introduction of the Senior Student Leadership Programme for high school leaders, progressing a social event for the Invictus Games to showcase Manly to the world and improving homelessness and at-risk support services.

I believe that ‘people interested in making the best possible decisions are rarely confident that they have the best answers’ - I would welcome your input and feedback on my approach and initiatives through my community survey, via email or over the phone at [email protected] or on 9976 2773.

Kind regards,

James Griffin MP, Member for Manly

Jason Lowry

Co-Founder - LPG - Commercial Property

7 年


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