Why Ignorance About The Media P*ss*s Me Off!
Will Farrell as Ron Burgundy - Anchorman

Why Ignorance About The Media P*ss*s Me Off!

Hopefully, the headline got your attention - good.

First off....calm down. This is not an "anti-media" post. Rather, the opposite and it's about time this has been said.

As we look over our shoulders and say "so long" to 2020 let's review the carnage. Coronavirus, a nasty political environment, and civil unrest. Yeah, that about sums up 2020. Oh yeah, and the great toilet paper shortage! What a pain in the ass....literally. There have been some casualties that we may have lost forever - small local business and integrity.

There have been numerous businesses that couldn't survive the losses of 2020 and it's not over yet. The numbers are not slowing down and if another shutdown is in the works...that could be the final straw for some businesses - forever. It's been tough for all business and the entertainment and broadcast industry have been hit hard as well.

Instead of focusing on the financial ramifications throughout both industries (by the way...some companies have been healthy enough to get through the storm while others didn't have the solid foundation needed to get through it all) I want to focus on something arguably more important - integrity of the broadcast industry. Particularly, the news departments.

A few year ago I came to terms with myself about something. I love our industry. I live it and breath it. When I get up until I go to bed and sometimes in my sleep! I love bringing smiles to peoples faces. I love playing a memory and reminiscing where you were when you first heard a song. I love learning new things with the interviews I do. I love the local charity work we are always involved with. I also love the community in which we serve.

I'm very fortunate to work for one of the most respected broadcast companies on the planet. I'm talking about Saga Communications. The company was founded by Ed Christian, who dreamed of becoming a radio disk jockey. In 1986 he raised $38.5 million to buy out Josephson International's radio division, which he had been running for ten years, and renamed it Saga Communications. It's an American dream story.

Ed, and the rest of the executives at Saga let people like me DO OUR JOBS LOCALLY.

While, my stations might be owned by "corporate" radio - that just means we are likely more reliable in your local markets. We are stable and only the best of the best. Saga is there to "guide" us with the stations - not dictate. They really let their local managers run our stations as we see fit. This only benefits local businesses and listeners. We are on the ground and care for our listening area. We live and work locally in the same places you do.

Saga has created an environment where (while I may not OWN the radio stations - they are MY stations. At least I feel like they are mine. Wait, let me clarify...just in case Ed is reading. The fun parts are mine...I'll give the bills to Ed.) and we are here for our local communities regardless of who owns the building. Please keep this in mind because it will be the central theme of the rest of this article.

This year exposed a lot of bitterness in our world. I'm not going to blame a political party. Everything is in a "backwards" state right now. We are all experience "covid fatigue". One of the worst casualties in 2020 has been the media in my opinion.

According to a 2018 survey by Gallup and the Knight Foundation, most American adults say they have recently lost trust in news media organizations. Trust dropped dramatically in 2016, when just 32 percent had at least a fair amount, the lowest level since Gallup started keeping track in 1972.

I chalk this up to our current "network cable news" channels and social media "fake news". Think back to the days when you didn't have cable. You relied on Brokaw, Rather, and Jennings for more than two decades. They didn't offer an opinion. It was "just the facts".

Johnny Carson really said it best. I've used this as an example on multiple occasions but I think this is one of the most intelligent and raw things Johnny ever said.

Take a few moments to really watch and absorb this clip:

Johnny Carson on Politics

Johnny Carson understood what it was like to be an entertainer and not a political mouthpiece for a specific party. Perhaps we should force Colbert, Kimmel, Myers, and the like, to watch this video as well. Enough is enough.

Right after the election the idea of a "rigged" election started making the rounds. A swath of people on social media felt that "the media" was being rather biased with the lack of coverage about a specific alleged fraudulent situation in Michigan.

The incident in question happened in Antrim County, Michigan where an isolated incident linked to human error caused a false count. The votes were recounted and it was determined Trump did win in the county. It truly does seem like "human error" remember...people do make mistakes.

On social media I was watching friends and acquaintances slamming news media. It was getting bad. But it was worse watching the conversation as a broadcaster. Seeing words describing folks that are dedicated hard working local journalists working FOR YOU!

Democrats slamming Fox News and of course Republicans slamming CNN was the major hit list.

The network news channels are "big boys and girls" they reap what they sow. Let's face it...I don't think Rachel Maddow is ever going to say anything positive about Republicans....just like Tucker Carlson is likely NOT going to get on the Biden bandwagon. Let's just say, yes, certain networks lean in certain directions....clearly. However, I had to correct some of these posts as the amount of slamming of "the media" was getting out of hand.

What bothered me is that the term "the media" was all inclusive. Meaning, when they were posting about "the media" they didn't separate local media from the national networks. In this line of heated debate....I was just to blame for media hypocrisy as much as FOX or CNN. Because I was part of "the media" I must be paid to have some sort of agenda.

This is when I had an epiphany! Wait....not a pleasant one.

I was thinking about all the hard working local news folks in the industry that were being rolled up into "the media". Local news is a real luxury these days. It's very rare for stations to have a complete local news department. For example, I can only think of a very small handful in all of New England. New Hampshire's local television news is WMUR Channel 9. Many of the reporters are exceptional talent and I'm proud to be part of NH Broadcasters when in company like the dedicated professionals we have locally.....and I assure you...none of them have "an agenda" other than reporting the news and real journalism.

Same goes for my colleagues at WKBK AM Radio in Keene, NH. By the way, WKBK's Operation Manager, Dan Mitchell, was the 2018 Broadcaster of the Year in NH. Let's just say....people know and trust Dan and his staff for local unbiased news.

Thinking of this and the unwarranted negative perception that was being said about all "media talent" I wanted to break my silence and offer some insight. I decided to do some research on the alleged "glitches" that was causing a firestorm on social media. The only reliable thing in my mind was to get past the cable news and social media posts - that meant seeking the LOCAL news teams in Michigan. I wanted to find a local Michigan station that gave me a WMUR vibe. I found WOOD Channel 8. It definitely gave me a well done local vibe.

WOOD TV is an NBC-affiliated located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. WOOD TV8 is a legacy station with a strong focus on local news, weather and community events. WOOD’s Investigative Brand has won numerous awards including regional Edward R Murrow awards and regional Emmy awards. WOOD was also recognized as Station of the Year by the Michigan Association of Broadcasters 20 out of 23 years. In other words. It was the perfect station to use as an example. I found the story I wanted and shared the following post:

We can't be biased towards the source in today's media. Trust me when I say I can see that network news has you flamed but (in my opinion) the only news that can be trusted is not the networks but local news. I've worked in media for 25 years and I have never seen our local news teams ever be dishonest. Local news teams usually skew younger and are building their careers so attention to detail and accuracy is usually important to them as they want to advance their career. I'm not saying that this sort of thing is going to change the outcome but the fact that this is something that did happen should give us pause before we get too excited about a new president. People should at least be open to the idea that this could have happened elsewhere. I understand it's a long shot and I don't think it's going to change the outcome. Joe Biden will be our new president. Still, I feel every American should be concerned that this happened. What's the harm in taking this seriously and investigating further? If this is true it certainly can skew other counties.

Then, to prove my point, I shared the following new story that I felt was done very well....without biases or an agenda. It was refreshing. Take a look and keep the rest of the story in perspective. The clip is here: Antrim Co. vote count problem was ballot change, not software. Nice job to Joe LaFurgey and the rest of the WOOD TV news team.

How do you think they responded? Did they have a moment of enlightenment? Did they bother to consider that the local news crews are doing exceptional work and are not part of the alleged "media corruption" that many American's feel is out there based on what they see online and in cable news?

Unfortunately, not even close.

Frankly, I'm not sure they even considered what I was trying to tell them. Instead, the response was along the lines of.....if it's on YouTube....it can't be trusted. So, even if it was an upload from a respected local news department covering events in their own community....somehow...they had an agenda!

Instead here's the response:

I’m not spending my time qualifying your news source. I don’t know it. Yeah, they have a website. It’s about $35 a year, if that. We don't know who is paying them to read stories.
I’ll be the first to say CNN is far left. They and FOX are on opposite end of the spectrum... but I get my news from NYTimes, The Wall Street Journal and sometimes Forbes.

Clearly, the best thing for me to do at that moment was simply shake my head in sadness and disbelief.

The bottom line is one of the casualties clearly is - media. Be the exception. Keep doing what you are doing. Keep turning on that broadcast light and speak to your audience about what's going on in their communities. Remember, it's your community as well. If you are not a reporter....remember what Johnny told us in the beginning of this article. Entertain the people...especially now. They need you. They might not think positively right now but remember that humans are biologically wired to respond positively to information that supports their own beliefs and negatively to information that contradicts them.

The best course of action to restore trust in media is for our local news departments to simply keep doing their exceptional work. The proof will be in the pudding. Just be human. Be trusting. As George Harrison once said "This too shall pass".


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