Why I wrote This Book
Have you ever felt an undefined urge to action, perhaps to move to a new place, create something, become someone new, or just this vague urge, little understood yet powerful in its insistence? Waiting for it to become clear or emerge can be like finding a nub of yarn on a sweater that when pulled unravels the whole. This is how writing this book began, as I tried to unravel the conundrum of where I was headed with this theme.
For years I have used inner change techniques on myself and on my clients. These methods came from a wide array of disciplines, and I soon began developing my own unique ways. I was inspired to write about my experiences in articles and blogs. These became pattern pieces waiting to be sewn together to create a useful whole in a single powerful message to create a much-needed shift in consciousness.
Inspiration is one thing, but I was compelled to write this book upon realizing that we are at a make-or-break point where no longer can a single nation let alone any individual solve the issues facing us. The time where we can put off dealing with complex and interrelated issues – rising patriarchy, climate change, wealth inequalities, cyber crimes, involuntary mass migrations to name a few – has passed. It is my core belief that we can only accomplish the external changes so vital to our survival by changing within. Read the book for many stories about changing outcomes with internal changes.