Why I Write a LinkedIn Newsletter... and Why You Should, Too
Dean Boland
PolkaStays- Helping Serviced Accommodation owners maximise revenue & grow their business | Serviced Accommodation Specialist | Business Consultant | Property Developer | Data & Integrations Analyst
Jason Owen & I have been so busy with the PolkaDot Property business that’s it already the end of Feb, and I haven’t posted a newsletter this year.
It feels like only minutes ago I was wishing you a Happy New Year!
From now on, though, I’m back to bi-weekly posts…
There's so much exciting stuff to share about our latest business ventures & everything we’ve been up to.
But, instead of all that, today I’m going to share with you why I write a LinkedIn Newsletter in the first place.
Let’s go back a few years, to the time when I put a bit too much gel in my hair & had that corporate job that I was desperate to escape.
If you’d have told me then that I'd be typing away my thoughts for a LinkedIn newsletter, I'd have laughed in your face.
Back then, my idea of networking was – how do I say it? – a bit stale.
I didn’t do much networking, because I felt that most of the events I went to were nothing more than a big waste of time.
And LinkedIn? That’s just a place to park my CV, right?
Jump to today, and here I am, not just embracing LinkedIn, but actively contributing.
So, why the change of heart?
It's simple: I realised the immense power of building a professional network, both offline and online. And I learned this lesson the hard way.
It was Jason Owen, my business partner, who showed me the power of in-person networking, but I still wasn’t sold on the power of the socials. I didn’t think it was my scene. I thought it involved lots of blowing my own trumpet, cold outreach, and head-hunters filling my inbox.
I thought I’d have to take on that ‘LOOK HOW AWESOME I AM!’ tone of voice, and write really generic stuff filled with SEO buzzwords.
But, then, those people I’d started meeting IRL at networking events?
We started to connect on here, online, and I realised the internet is full of like-minded people, who I can share with, learn from, and lean on. And I suddenly understood that they were also on the lookout for meaningful connections & collaborations, too.
And the best bit? I found that the more I wrote honestly about the entrepreneurial journey, the more people connected.
I didn’t have to keep shouting into the internet void about how great our businesses are. I just wrote from the heart, and the right people started reaching out.
By sharing a bit more of myself online, I’m now connecting with people whose values and goals align with mine.
The most surprising part? How much I’m enjoying it.
Every Zoom Coffee conversation, every new connection, adds value to my professional journey, and I found myself wondering, ‘Why didn't I start this sooner?’.
So, my advice? Give it a go. You might just be pleasantly surprised.
And it’s why I’d love to invite you to join our next Wealth Accelerator Circle? Networking Event on 4th March.
We're ridiculously excited to be welcoming Guest Speaker Susie Sprigg , the UK's Leading DISC Trainer, to tell us how we can up our networking game, and turbo-charge our businesses, by learning about communications styles.
Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, understanding how to communicate effectively can transform the way you connect with others.
So, consider this a personal invitation.
Let's network, learn, and grow together. Because if there's one thing I've learned, it's that we're better together.
Plenty of the IRL connections I’ve made through Wealth Accelerator Circle? started out because of this newsletter.
My challenge to you? Share your own newsletter details in the comments, or, if you haven’t started one yet, share a little more about yourself in the comments or DMs this week.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 4th.