Why I Write
So sometimes, if you're the writer, you can help...
October was a month filled with words. At the start of the month, National Poetry Day in London for the People's Poem event.
Then at the end of October back to London for the CIM Global Marketing Excellence Awards (it was meant to be one London trip but we won't go into that!).
One event was about poetry, the other about words (our MCAS Moments campaign took relatable everyday moments and showed how different they are when you have a mast cell disease).
Two special events, both harnessing the power of words.
A quote from me is included in the People's Poem highlights video:
“So sometimes, if you’re the writer, you can help to give voice to other people and use that as your tool.”
I had forgotten what I had said on the day but this quote embodies why I write! To give voice. To tell stories. Because words are a tool.
And this was our campaign! Words were the Voice of MCAS Moments.
Amazingly, the quote about one event perfectly explained the other. Full circle.
And this is Why I Write.
I write to connect people
To themselves
To each other
To a shared experience.
I write bits of my life into words.
I write to capture moments that may never come again.
I write because words come
From somewhere
Through me
To be passed on.