Why I write and how I live
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Thought for the day: why I write, and how I live.
When I was a child, I wondered how anybody could love history. Then I had this one history teacher; Mr. Brown, at The Midland School, near Los Olivos, and Solvang, California, where I attended an amazing school, on scholarship, my freshman year in high school.
Mr. Brown, had a photographic memory.
He loved history, and was 80 years old at the time.
He taught history, ancient history, using the bible, and other classics, and explaining the times, putting everything in context for us.
We would test him, in class:
"Uh, Mr. Brown, I was reading the chapter about (whatever, any book) and I wondered what you think about it? "
He would put his old hand on his 80 year old chin, and say "Uuuummmm, uuuummm..., oh yea: it goes like this!"
He never failed, he would quote the text exactly, and then, he would have a lot to say about the time, the people, and everything that was going on at the time.
I remember praying to myself, and God:
"Oh please, God, let me be like him."
I always had too much to say in school, had very high grades, but I never realized that I had the same kind of memory, until I was in my forties, and started to realize that I could do it on purpose.
I have been through so much in my lifetime. My past was very hard. I was at that school, on scholarship, to get away from a very abusive, alcoholic foster father.
Back to history...history, does not create your future.
Your will, your intent, and your beliefs; elbow grease, and actions, and planning, create your future.
But the past still matters, because it is the source of you: your perspective, your power, and your joy.
Hard work, and vigilance, will help you survive tough times, but these strengths will not make you happy, without your history.
In my lifetime, starting with nothing, I have made and spent a great deal of money. I worked hard, and learned to function at a very high level, and accomplished many things.
But looking back is what has enlightened me, and the perspective gives me joy, peace, and happiness.
I drive a very nice car, and I have owned many, very many, even nicer cars. But it is the fact that I came from such humble beginnings, that makes it so fulfilling, not the car.
I write, not to get paid for it, because I do not want to write what the market will buy.
I live the way that I do, because it brings me joy, and keeps me healthy, and, to me, that is success.
"Whatever your hands find to do, do it, with diligence!"