Why I Write
Throughout adulthood I’ve been compelled to write – from somewhere deep within me there’s a need to express myself through words on a page. So, over the years I’ve amassed many plots, characters and piles of notebooks that are full of ideas waiting to be developed. Ideas pour through my fingertips as easily as conversation between friends.
Writing, after my head injury, gave me new direction. It enabled me to focus on something other than what had happened to me – it gave me new ambition and the result is one that fills me with such pride. Becoming a published author has given me a future. It’s stirred a determination in me to make necessary changes to my life. In shifting my goals I’ve attained new heights of achievement, which has had such a positive effect on my recovery.
Broken, my debut thriller, was released in 2017. It’s sequel, Betrayal will be released during the summer of 2018 and Crisis, the third in the series already has story structure. These novels can be read as stand-alone books -- but they also run in sequence and form the Warwick Cooper Thrillers.
Broken is available from Amazon.