Why I would vote for a ten year old.
Ashley Cooper
Runs www.globalwarmingimages.net the world's only climate change photo library
A couple of months ago I was invited into Grasmere Junior School to talk about climate change and my new book, "Images From a Warming Planet" I know its a cliche, but kids are our future, so I love having the opportunity to educate them about the realities of our changing climate. Last week I was contacted by the head teacher, Jo, who said the kids were so inspired by the talk, that they were putting together their own party political video and could I supply some images for them. I was delighted to help. Please watch their party election broadcast for the Living Longer Party https://vimeo.com/gorgeousmedia/grasmerelivinglonger
It is inspiring to see young people engaging with environmental issues and pushing for appropriate action. Compare that to yesterdays decision by Trump to pull America out of the Paris climate change agreement. This leaves America siding with the only two other countries who didn't sign up to it, Syria and Nicaragua. Trump wants to save the coal industry, the most polluting of all fossil fuels. Maybe he should listen to some coal industry bosses who agree that it is mechanisation of the coal industry and far cheaper wind and solar power that has killed off jobs in the coal industry, not the Paris agreement. Sadly Trump seems unable to grasp these rather basic facts. Is this because he is surrounded by advisors who are either heavily invested in the fossil fuel industry or have taken large sums from them to promote their outdated and dangerous products.
This outrageous decision flies in the face of science, 70% of Americans who wanted to stay in the Paris agreement, and the vast majority of bosses of major industries, including some fossil fuel ones. It will turn the US into a Pariah nation.
It comes to something when a ten year old is speaking more sense than the President of the USA. Vote for the Living Longer Party. If you want to see the images that so inspired the pupils of Grasmere school go to https://www.imagesfromawarmingplanet.net