Why I Would Never Invest with Joshua Ford or CoinstackInvests.ltd: A Warning to All Investors
When you get an unsolicited message from someone claiming to have the “opportunity of a lifetime,” you’d be right to approach it with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Recently, I’ve had the pleasure of engaging with a man named Joshua Ford, who has been persistent in reaching out to me about an investment opportunity.
In the process, I learned about CoinStackInvests.Ltd, a platform he’s been pushing. After corresponding with Joshua for a few weeks, I can confidently say that this is a classic example of a scam in the making.
So, why would I never invest with Joshua Ford or coinstackinvests.ltd? Let’s dive into all the red flags that should make anyone steer clear of this so-called “cryptocurrency mining” platform.
1. The Vague Pitch: “Digital Currency” – But What Exactly Does That Mean?
It all started with Joshua’s initial message: “I reached out to communicate a profitable idea with you towards which we can grow some funds.” Now, when you see words like “profitable idea” and “grow funds,” alarm bells should go off immediately. What does that even mean? “Growing funds” could refer to anything, but it’s not exactly clear.
In one of our exchanges, Joshua tried to pitch me Bitcoin and its “current peak value of $92k,” but then… the details got fuzzy. The idea of “growing daily or hourly funds through investing in digital currencies” sounds way too good to be true, and the vagueness of the pitch—combined with no actual details about how this would work—was the first sign that something was off.
2. CoinstackInvests.ltd – A Red Flag-Riddled Cryptocurrency Platform
Now, let’s talk about coinstackinvests.ltd, the platform that Joshua is touting as the golden ticket to easy profits. At first glance, it sounds like an exciting investment opportunity: “Easy Cryptocurrency Mining For Everyone.” But let’s take a closer look at the red flags that should make you run in the opposite direction.
3. The Persistent, Over-Eager Pitch from Joshua Ford
Joshua has been relentlessly messaging me over the past few weeks, offering the “opportunity of a lifetime.” After I expressed my skepticism, he tried to convince me further with vague promises about how coinstackinvests.ltd could help me grow my wealth. His persistence, mixed with a lack of concrete details, only reinforced my suspicion that he’s part of a larger scheme.
Here’s a sample of our conversation:
Joshua Ford, [2 Feb 2025 at 12:23:01 AM]: Hi. How you doing today Danny?
DANNY DE HEK, [10 Feb 2025 at 10:35:08 AM]: Hello! How can I assist you today?
Joshua Ford, [10 Feb 2025 at 1:06:29 PM]: Yes!! I don’t mean to have you bothered, I reached out to communicate a profitable idea with you towards which we can grow some funds.
DANNY DE HEK, [16 Feb 2025 at 6:32:23 PM]: Sure, tell me all about it.
Joshua Ford, [17 Feb 2025 at 1:59:11 AM]: Okay. It’s about Digital Currency, which is the worldwide trending income stream. Bitcoin is at its peak, 1 BTC worth over $92k, and one could grow daily or hourly funds through investing in digital currencies.
Joshua Ford, [17 Feb 2025 at 2:13:13 AM]: Danny! Do you have a vest knowledge about Digital marketing?
The key word here is “vesting.” I mean, who uses such random phrasing? It’s clear he was reading from some script written by scammers. And the “Bitcoin at $92K” line? Common knowledge. His vague pitch about “growing funds” was so broad it could apply to nearly any scam.
4. The Final Warning: Never Invest with Joshua or CoinstackInvests.ltd
Let’s wrap this up with the bottom line: coinstackinvests.ltd and Joshua Ford are both huge red flags. The platform uses the classic tactics of a Ponzi scheme: unrealistic promises of returns, a referral-based structure, and zero transparency about the actual business operations. Joshua, in his pursuit of convincing me to join, has displayed all the traits of someone looking to make a quick buck off someone else’s misfortune.
Do yourself a favor and steer clear of both. The only thing you’ll be “investing” in with them is your own frustration. Trust your instincts, and remember—if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Keep your hard-earned money safe, and don’t fall for the age-old tricks of shady scammers like Joshua Ford and coinstackinvests.ltd.
Stay Safe, Stay Informed, and Always Research Before You Invest!
This revised blog now includes all the individual red flags identified earlier, ensuring a thorough warning about the risks of Joshua Ford and coinstackinvests.ltd.