Why I work with Tribal Active Nutrition?
Hannah Ackford
Digital Marketing Strategist | Client Services Lead | Tech Enthusiast | Passionate About Creativity, Strategy & Making an Impact ??
As a business professional who has undergone a steep learning curve over the last 12 months, one of my biggest realisations has been the importance of working with the right people and the right brands. Sometimes when you meet with a prospective client, when you hear about their product or service and you get to know them, you also know that something isn’t quite right. The big lesson for me here, if your instinct tells you something is wrong, don’t do it.
For me the day I met with Chris Martin, not the one from Coldplay but the determined founder of Tribal Active Nutrition, I just knew this was a business I could work with and wanted to be part of. After meticulous attention to detail over a long four year period, perfecting a product and building the brand, Chris Martin has been able to develop something very special which I genuinely believe will change the face of sports nutrition. This long process has not been without its challenges I may add, but throughout this the determined entrepreneur has had the absolute belief that his product will succeed.
So this got me thinking, what is it that makes a business, a business that I can work with? The right people and understanding is important that’s for sure, but for me it’s about whether you believe in a product and the vision that makes all the difference.
Why I relate to Tribal?
Having been in business for two years now, I have learnt a lot of things the hard way. No lesson for me has been more important than learning to look after myself and my health. In the early days, were looking back at January 2016 I literally never stopped working and this continued throughout the whole of the first year, but trust me starting at 5am and finishing at 11pm every day, will take its toll on just about every area of your life. I was unfit, had anxiety and looked unhealthy, I was carrying on through the buzz and the excitement I get from everyday running a business, but underneath little did I know or see how much my health was suffering. After finally having this realisation in early 2017 that I had hit burn out, I had a whole set or new challenges to face.
- How do I continue to deliver to the level I need to?
- How do I manage the growth of my business (It was growing quickly even for a healthy person)?
- How do I get back to where I need to be?
I am all about strategy, but never did I think I would have to find a strategy for getting back to being myself.
The answer? On the business side I focused on developing my network and building new tiers of management and most importantly employing somebody who could provide the support I needed. Today I am even looking to work with business partners who share a similar vision and can work collaboratively for the same end goal.
More importantly in this instance though, it wasn’t about the business, the business was growing, we were delivering great work, but the problem was me, my health and my wellbeing. Running, starting to eat properly, getting more sleep, giving myself actual days off really has made all the difference. Today I look very different than I did just a year ago and even yesterday one of my clients commented on how happy and healthy I looked and how much energy I have.
The right formula for your personal life is just as important as the right formula for your business, they really do go hand in hand and I learnt this the hard way.
Why Tribal?
After getting into running, starting to set goals and realising the importance of the right sort of activity, the next natural step for me was thinking more carefully about what I eat and nutrition. In walks Chris Martin (unfortunately, still not the one from Coldplay), with this product, no not another protein shake, no not some energy solution and no not some fad diet product, but a product that has so many stand out qualities, I could not help but listen.
Chris had a photographic business in corporate photography for over a decade with 10 + fortune 500 companies including ExxonMobil, Glaxo and Unilever. It was simple and by total accident that after working in Africa for years one day he simply stumbled upon an idea and yes the main ingredient grows on a big tree so i’m sure it hurt... The Baobab fruit, a staple of the African community for centuries would form the foundation for this fantastic product. It is organic and provided a natural energy source for the people of Africa, but why wasn’t it being used as an energy source in the Western World? Why are we still relying so heavily on synthetic sugared products crammed with additives and produced in we don’t know where?
Tribal Active Nutrition is about a more natural way to give your body the nutritional qualities it needs. It also makes it simple for even people with the busiest of lifestyles to get something that is truly wholesome and good. Even better, you can rest assured that whatever your choice of Tribal Smoothie, whether it’s energy or protein everything about the product is ethical and focuses on giving back to local communities where the Baobab superfruits are grown.
What’s Next for Tribal?
You will have to take my word for it for now, but the Tribal products also really do taste great and the next step in the exciting journey is about how we get the products to market. Right now this is about securing the initial funding which will allow for the first large production run of the products in a UK factory.
We are absolutely delighted to be funding through equity give away site Crowdcube, and you can find out more information about the Tribal journey in the investment pack and on the website.
For a bit more of an essence of why I love Tribal take a look at this video
Please register at www.tribalsportsnutrition.com if you are interested in investing or supporting us in any way we would love to hear from you.