Why I Won't Stay Silent...and Chose to Self-Publish My Latest Book
Melissa Hurt, Ph.D.
Be More, Do More with What's Inside of You? 1:1 Coaching and Self-Paced Courses at melissahurt.com?Author ? Communication Coach ? Embodied Practice/Somatic trainer ? YouTube.com/c/MelissaHurt
As an author with two major publishing houses, I was a snob about self-publishing— I admit it.
I felt that self-published books carried little expertise because they hadn’t been vetted by editors who scrutinize the market.
My book, “The Postpartum Path of Yoga,” started as a final project for my advanced 300-hr yoga certification. I researched the anatomical and physiological changes a woman experiences in pregnancy, delivery, and postnatally.
Based on this research, which included taking weekend-long workshops on the female pelvis and reading major medical journals and books on the subjects of women’s health and anatomy through these phases of life, I created a sixteen-week program to restore mothers.
It took hundreds of hours of reading, writing, editing, testing with my #postnatalyoga students, and exploring on my mat.
I created the postnatal yoga book I wish I had had when I became a new mom.
This ain’t your mama’s postnatal yoga book, though.
And, if I’m really being honest, if a woman has carried a pregnancy and birthed a baby at any part of her life, she is still postnatal and will benefit from this program.
The body recovers to some degree naturally after having a baby (vaginally or via C-section), but it absolutely needs an intelligently-sequenced movement practice to strengthen, restore, and get back to a state of balance to support a busy mom’s lifestyle.
As you can see, I’m passionate about this topic!
And yet, after receiving rejection letters from publishers, I let the book sit in my OneDrive for about 2 years.
Then I had the thought to take a look at it. Was it worth letting go?
NO. Absolutely not.
I read through the book and saw the faces of all the women I have taught Moms and Babies Yoga to who:
I am a servant.
I am a teacher.
I am a writer.
This book needs to be in the world to help women learn about what happens in pregnancy and after having the baby.
This book gives them a massive toolkit to reclaim themselves.
So, I did it. I made the bold leap to #selfpublish "The Postpartum Path of Yoga."
Please join me in my movement to shed light on what really happens to a woman anatomically, biochemically, and, perhaps, spiritually in this massive life change.
The sales of the e-book will move this book into becoming a printed copy for your shelf. (Please let me know if you wildly prefer printed books!)
Please leave a positive review if this book moves you, inspires you, and/or empowers you!