Why I Traveled 36 Hours for One Event – And Why It Was Worth Every Minute
Maxwell International Conference, August 2024, Orlando, FL, USA

Why I Traveled 36 Hours for One Event – And Why It Was Worth Every Minute

Imagine this: It’s Friday evening in Denmark. The sun’s just starting to come down, and the cool breeze carries a hint of rain.

My taxi pulls up outside my house at 5 p.m., and off I go.

Not to a dinner, not to a relaxing weekend – but to a 36-hour journey across airports, time zones, and a mix of fast food and stiff airplane seats.

Why would anyone do that?

I’ll tell you why: growth.

The kind of growth that isn’t comfortable, easy, or convenient.

The kind of growth that pushes us to new levels so we can lead better, serve better, and show up as our very best selves.

The Journey to Growth

I spent the night at a small hotel near Aalborg Airport. The bed was a little too firm, the room too quiet – the kind of silence that makes it hard to sleep because your mind is racing about what lies ahead.

An early flight out took me through Amsterdam, then Manchester, and finally, after 19 long hours, I touched down in Orlando.

You know that mix of exhaustion and anticipation when you’re running on pure adrenaline?

That’s where I was. And it was all worth it.

Every year, I make this journey to the International Maxwell Conference (IMC).


Because surrounding myself with leaders, coaches, and growth-minded people is how I keep sharpening my edge. It’s how I stay on the cutting edge so I can serve you better. If we want to be great leaders, we have to pay the price of growth.

It’s as simple – and as hard – as that.

A Powerful Reminder About Culture

One of the biggest takeaways from this event hit me like a ton of bricks: When the leader isn’t home, culture takes over and runs the business.

Think about that for a second.

When you’re not in the room, what runs your company?

What drives decisions?

What influences behavior?

If the answer isn’t clear, or worse, if you don’t like the answer, it’s time to look at the culture you’ve built. Culture is the silent force that takes over when you’re not there.

If it’s not working the way you want, the problem isn’t the people – it’s the culture we’ve created (or neglected).

John Maxwell’s Hard-Earned Wisdom

At the conference, John Maxwell shared some lessons from his early days that really struck a chord with me. Here are two of them:

1. Leading by Assumption

John confessed that he used to lead based on what he thought his people needed and wanted. He assumed he knew. He didn’t ask. And he was wrong.

I’ve made the same mistake. You may have too.

Assumptions are dangerous. They lead us to decisions that miss the mark.

The solution? Ask more questions. Get curious. Understand what your people actually need, not what you assume they do.

2. Trying to Pass on Learning Instead of Taking People on the Journey

Early on, John would attend events like IMC and try to bring the lessons back to his team. But here’s the thing – without being in the room, without experiencing the energy and context firsthand, those lessons lose their impact.

He realized that he needed to bring his leaders with him. Growth isn’t a solo mission. We need to experience it together, with our teams, to really make it stick.

He also emphasized that many leaders ask, “How can I get a better team?” but rarely ask, “How can I become a better leader to attract better people?”

That’s where proper growth begins – not in looking outward, but in looking inward.

Lessons from Other Great Minds

  • Mark Cole, CEO of Maxwell Leadership Companies:?Mark shared that real leadership starts with valuing people where they are and then helping them see a blueprint for where they can go. It’s about meeting them at their level, understanding their struggles, and guiding them step by step to new heights.
  • Brandon M. Dawson, Founder of Cardone Ventures: David talked about the three lids that hold companies back: leadership, operations, and belief. Identify your lids, remove them, and you unlock new levels of growth.
  • Valorie Burton, Life Strategist and Speaker: Valorie highlighted the “energy gap” – the space between the commitment needed to reach a goal and the energy you have to get there. Recognizing and closing that gap is the key to sustaining momentum.
  • Dan Martell, Entrepreneur and Investor: Dan reminded us that your biggest expense is not doing the thing that makes you the most money. Focus relentlessly on the actions that bring the highest return, and don’t get distracted by noise.

Join Me for Live2Lead – Without the Long Journey

I know not everyone can fly across the world for events like this, which is why I’m thrilled to bring the best of Live2Lead to you locally.

This year’s lineup is outstanding. In addition to John C. Maxwell and Jon Gordon, we’ve added two virtual speakers who bring a wealth of insight:

  • Malcolm Gladwell - a globally recognized thought leader and author of The Tipping Point, Outliers, and more. His work redefines how we think about success, culture, and human behavior.
  • Valorie Burton - a life strategist and expert in positive psychology. Her work focuses on resilience, purpose, and living a life of intentionality. She’s a speaker who knows how to connect with you on a deep, actionable level.

Here’s the best part: we’ve worked with our venue and sponsors to cut ticket prices nearly in half.

You can now join us for as little as SEK 995 VAT included. This is an incredible opportunity to learn from these top leaders without the hassle of a 36-hour journey like I did.

So, if you’re serious about growth, if you want to be a better leader and create the kind of culture that thrives even when you’re not in the room, then join us. Don’t miss the chance to learn from the best – right here, locally.

Secure your spot now at www.live2lead.se.

Let’s continue growing together.



Amy Nelson

Certified Professional Development Coach, Certified DISC Consultant, Youth Leadership Coach

1 个月

It was wonderful to see you in Orlando Florin! Keep the inspiration coming!

James Matthew

Talent Acquisition Specialist | Connecting PhD Scholars to Tech Innovations

1 个月

Wow! That takes real dedication and shows the effort it can take to achieve growth at times. Thank you for sharing!

Montez Jones, CDP, MBA

CEO TJTS | Corporate Facilitator with the Maxwell Leadership Team, Motivator, Inspirator, Transformer

1 个月

Great seeing you again Florin! Great growth!


