I think it won’t be a good idea to start online education for the shake of
showing we are being advance or we are moving with time. The thing that
should matter is whether student will actually learn and getting benefits
from this ? I personally believe that online education is not good specially
in the context of Nepal.
Here i present few of my ideas behind it.
1) First and foremost is physical infrastructure required for online learning
(hardware and internet). Not all places in Nepal have internet facility (4G
too). In top of it, financially sound student ( Even teacher )can only bear
expenses of android mobile or laptop with internet (high speed) . Which means
only rich gets to learn which is not appropriate. (Education is fundamental
right of every body)
2) Another thing required is Trained Teacher (Online teaching requires
special skill sets and they should be familiar to new technology). Let’s
assume our University will provide training to teacher (Hard to believe).
Even this will limit teacher’s ability to teach (limit their movement). They
won’t have an idea whether students have understood or not. Moreover, student
will not be able to ask their queries instantly. And i believe one of the
most important part of learning is to find answer to our quires (Instant).
3)The other reason had to do with our misconception about class room. We
think class room is just place where teachers and students sit to learn but
it is more than that. Class room provides place for social interaction among
friends and Social interaction is essential to growth as a human being.
Class room binds you in discipline and this way we learn to be discipline. It
is a platform to put your idea and views and get instant judgment from your
friends and teachers. Class room is like a scientific lab where you will make
thousands of mistakes and there will be a mentor (teacher) to guide. If
online education is opted, it will be very hard for these aspects of learning
to be covered.
4) setting 5-6 hours continuously in front of laptop won’t be so easy for
student. (i am assuming this because it won’t be for me).
Moreover, I don’t think it will be good idea to opt new education methodology
without research . Research on resources we have and its viability