Why I Stop Watching Netflix During the Whole Month of February

Why I Stop Watching Netflix During the Whole Month of February

This year has already been full of a lot of changes for me. I drastically altered the way I eat (doctor’s order), I moved again, and I launched my business. When it comes to change, I think it’s human to get apprehensive about adding more things to get acquainted with.

As we were approaching February, I actually got excited for the change. I was looking forward to what’s become one of my favorite months of the year.

Every February, I take the month off from Netflix. It originally started a few years ago after I had just moved to a new place and wanted all my introvert excuses eliminated so I could actively pursue community. I know it may seem like an odd tradition, especially in the heart of winter (HELLO rom-coms for V-day). But it has been, and continues to be one, of the best months of the year for me.

A phrase from Pastor Ben Stuart frequently pops into my head which says,

“Who we are informs what we do.”

Do you know the average American watches 35 hours of TV a week? A week. If we spent that much time reading, we could read about 200 books a year. There are lots of avenues for entertainment, but when it comes to Netflix it’s like pushing the easy button. It’s right there and it’s super easy to get sucked into the next episode. There’s so much content out there it seems like every week a friend suggests a new show to add to my watch list. But here’s the truth. I’m just gonna say it: we’re never going to be able to watch it all.

If you know me, you’ve heard me talk about how much I love New Girl. It might seem crazy to give up a show I know and love for a whole month, right? But I have a question: why do I rely on it so much? Not just New Girl. Why is Netflix the thing I turn to when I’m bored or when I have nothing else to do (even though in reality, I have plenty I say I want to do). What does that say about who I am?

The life we’re living today – how we spend our time, what we put in our brain – influences who we will become.

I bet you’re curious why I put myself through this every year. Here’s why:

I read a lot more

When I’m chilling in my room, I’m either listening to music or reading. I have hobbies but reading by far is the one that has captured my mind since finishing school. This month, I started out reading because I had nothing else to do between work and bed. But then I actually started to look forward to the silence where my mind could get swept up in the words on the pages. That’s something else I’ve realized; I don’t give my imagination enough time to run free. Sounds kooky, right? Let me put it another way. I want my mind present with the story I’m reading and give my creativity space to process the images my brain is creating. Now, I have time to let my mind wander and daydream, which, contrary to our productive culture, is actually very healthy.

What we input matters. How we process that input matters too.

For those who are wondering what books I read, here’s a list of what I read this month:

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I get more done

It might sound like a brag, but it’s really not. A lot of things on my to-do list were not pleasant. AKA taxes. But I had the time, so I got to check them off the list. And you know what, I felt better when I got it done right away instead of waiting when I had “more time”.

There’s something so good about doing the opposite of what I usually do (procrastinate). It’s freeing.

It might sound crazy, but my view of time changed for me too. Instead of wondering what happened all day or how it was already Monday again, I feel like days aren’t moving past me at warped speed. Not being in front of a screen all day is pretty magical that way I guess.

I get more sleep

I go to bed EARLYYYY. My friends all call me a grandma. Okay, I call myself one too. The other day, my actual grandma called me when I was already in bed haha she’s too cool for me.

Seriously! I’m often in bed by 8pm because then I get more time to read. I also wake up early to get a jump on the day (where my morning people at?). When I was watching shows right before bed, I noticed I couldn’t fall asleep for a while. I don’t know if the blue light was affecting my eyes or if I was too jumpy after a crime show right before bed (I know, not the wisest life choice). But now that I read before bed, I sleep better. According to a recent study by The Sleep Council, “39% of people who are in the habit of reading before they go to sleep, sleep very well”

If that’s not a reason to put your jammies on earlier, I don’t know what is.

While my quiet time in the morning with Jesus is usually the best part of my day, I started another habit that’s packed closely to this that brings me so much joy. In my forced month (and growing desire) to slow down, I started watching the sunrise and sunset. Have you ever stopped to just watch the sunrise unfold? Like pitch black to bright sun or vice versa?

I’ve been on sunrise hikes in the past that made me ooooh and aww, but I would always forget it happens EVERY DAY. It’s literally a light show every day twice a day. Better than Disneyland.

My life is still busy. I’m not a nun living in an abbey. I still get swept up in the crazy, but I’m learning that hurry doesn’t provide the intangible things we were designed for (peace, faith, love). That’s why I love that we have this beautiful reminder to slow down. To stop and watch a masterpiece unfold before our eyes. It’s like watching a painting come to life, and it’s as available as God’s grace.

It’s a true glory to behold and focus my attention on a God who is faithful from the rising to the setting sun.

I think more reflectively and deeply.

Thinking more is not something I need to do. But much of what I’ve ignored has come to the surface. And I’m in a season where I can deal with that. The Lord has been gracious in exposing and addressing those deeper heart things. Truthfully, I’ve made lots of excuses in the past about not having time to pray or be vulnerable. But I truly believe slowing down in this month has allowed this kind of spiritual transformation in my relationship with God.

I’m more in the moment

While I’d like to say I can hear a butterfly’s wing from a mile away (although who came up with that as a status marker for being mindful?), I still have days where it’s really difficult to take breaks. I can get swept up by the hustle and bustle of the to-dos. But by simplifying this one area of my life, I feel more in the moment, more present than I have in a long time. Maybe since I was a kid.

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I was cooking the other day – something else that forces me to slow down – and I got a whiff of the delicious aroma on the stove. It made me smile. Have you ever stopped and remembered your sense of smell? Sounds silly if you imagine me standing alone in the kitchen smiling. But I think it’s a sign of waking up to the things around me. I’m going back to the basics of what’s available for joy – even the little things – like the scents wafting through the air.

This February was different. With TV, I got so numb to entertainment it was just bored consumption. It wasn’t restful. I didn’t have “time” to process what I just experienced because it was on to the next thing. By the end of the day, Netflix became a place where my brain went idle: no output of any value but no real rest either.

Going without Netflix these last few weeks is forcing me to re-evaluate why February is the only month I practice this habit. I know not everyone would be onboard with ditching Netflix forever, but I challenge you to take a break. Even for a week. I promise, you’ll thank me later. Look at how much more time you have on your hands. What are you going to do with it?

Check out more of my work on my website


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