Why I Started ASSIF
You are defined in life by the choices you make, some are made for you and some you make. Researchers at Cornell University estimate we make 226.7 decisions each day on food alone. And as your level of responsibility increases, so does the multitude of choices you have to make. It's estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day. So times that figure by days in a year as well as the average life expectancy of a male in the UK; that's 779,274,000 decisions made in our adult life. Out of all the decisions we make it's startling how life, success, happiness can sometime boil down to 1, or a handful of the 779,274,000 decisions that we make. And this is about one of those choices, a regret, a painful memory that has given birth and run in tandem to choices that you have made, that have resulted in you reading this.
The idea of ASSIF came after a throw away comment a doctor made at a CUXA (Clinical User Experience Association) event in London- ‘How do you measure prevention? Unfortunately we can’t; and if we can't measure specifics, we can't get funding
and that’s the way it works’. This comment resonated with me, and got me thinking about my past battles with depression, suicidal thoughts and the fact I’ve lost 3 people very close to me due to suicide, along with the effect it has on me to this day. Truth is, the origin of the company goes further than this.