Why I Stalked my Client
I should probably use a softer term for the word stalking. But the definition of stalking is to pursue or approach stealthily. And, that's just what I did.
How it started.
A year ago I met business owner, Lindsay James, at networking function. It was a holiday luncheon where female entrepreneurs could showcase their items and services. Lindsay is the co-creator of the genius product, the InfinityBelt?. It is a soft, stretchable no-buckle belt that gives you a smooth line under your clothing while performing all the tasks of a traditional belt. It is pretty much indispensable in my life now.
Prove you're dedicated.
As I do at most networking events, I went home and sent emails to all the people I collected business cards for. But I pulled out Lindsay's and went a little further. I visited her website and social media. Hmmm...I did a quick assessment and I knew that I could do better, I could really help her. So, I sent her an email, and Lindsay agreed to chat about her current marketing. I went out and bought the belt at a local boutique and instantly fell in love with the product. Since I do photography, I did a mini-photo shoot with the belt. I created graphics that showcased it with jeans, flowers, catchy taglines and visual calls to action. Sight unseen (we still hadn't had a meeting), I sent along the images, and I told her, I can REALLY help you sell more products. And, we did.
Passion is your most powerful marketing tool.
The result.
In one year we hit her sales goal, launched another product (the brilliant BootBand), completely redesigned her website with e-commerce and Shopify gurus, Arya Creative, developed pop-up banners for wholesale tradeshows, creatively named all of her colors, redesigned the packaging, did a full blown model and product photo shoot, developed a strategic email and social media campaign, increased visibility and website traffic, and we are now moving to a targeted SEO project to reach even more people in 2017.
I'm so proud of the transformation of her website, which is now user friendly, and frankly, just gorgeous:
Screen shots on mobile responsive, easy to shop website - visit: www.TheInfinityBelt.com
The takeaway.
So, my point in all of this as we all dive head first into 2017, is pursue, stalk, whatever you want to call it what you truly do feel passionate about. Whether it's a client, a new endeavor, a hobby or project. Here's why this worked with Lindsay - she was EQUALLY passionate about her mission to help women take a functional product and make it fashionable.
Honestly, I've had potential clients pursue me for projects, and some I couldn't wait to get started because I knew in my heart I could help them achieve their goals and objectives and they were committed to it. There were other times, that I truly had to pass. I just didn't have that drive in me or passion for their product or service. I've finally gotten to a place in my career, where I know where my skills and talents lie, and how I can use them to serve other business owners.
And yes, there were times that I really, really, really wanted to help a client, and alas, they went with someone else, stopped the project or never told me why. And, that is OK, too. It probably didn't meet the equation of:
Passionate Business Owner + Passionate Marketer = Success
Don't just follow your passions, relentlessly pursue them.
Stay social,