Why I Read Toes

Why I Read Toes

by Jamie Allen Bishop

(Originally published 8/5/2020 via https://soulheartentertainment.blogspot.com/2020/08/why-i-read-toes.html)

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"What makes you different or weird, that's your strength." ~Meryl Streep

Toe reading is defined as the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and emotions show up the way our toes do. When I first heard this concept, I didn't know exactly what to believe. My educational background was a combination of three specialties: science (I was a pre-med student in the early years of my college career), psychology (my medical specialty was to be psychiatry), and art (my bachelor's degree ended up being in Fine Arts, specifically drawing). I was in the middle of pursuing my Master's degree in Art Education when I fell in love with toe reading. When I fully understood what toe reading was - the concept that our bodies hold the stories of our emotions - toe reading made perfect sense to me. 

Toe reading is the ideal intersection of my three specialties - art, science, and psychology. 

But why would I shift my focus from something so concrete to something so abstract? Why pursue toe reading over all my other education and experience?

The "why" is extraordinarily important to the success of a business. In fact, the businesses that create truly grand success (think Apple, Google, etc.) are mainly focused on the why behind how/what they do/create. Why, how, what = that's the success formula according to Simon Sinek. But does a "why" need to change over the course of time?

I say, "No, your why does not have to change as you (and your business) grow... not if you have a solid 'why' as the foundation from which you launch."

Here's what I mean. My "why" has always been HUGE. When I say huge, I genuinely mean it - enormous, gigantic, and extraordinary. My why is what drives me to keep focused, persevere through the challenges, and continue to pursue excellence... no matter what! My why has not changed over the past decade (or two) of running my business. My 'how' and 'what' certainly has changed, grown, and adjusted as my experience lends itself to my tool kit of knowledge, but my why has remained steadfast and true.

What's my huge "why"?

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My "why" is to continuously and consistently raise the vibration of the world as we know it, one soul at a time. (Insert theme music here: "End of the World As We Know It" by R.E.M. - https://youtu.be/Z0GFRcFm-aY) And, I feel fine!

Just a tiny goal, right? (That's my silly sarcastic side showing herself.)

For me, it's such a powerful stance for my business and for my life that it reaches to boundaries unforeseen, far beyond what I fully comprehend, and definitely outside what my human brain can imagine. My why makes my personal goals and dreams seem infinitesimal in comparison (and believe me when I tell you I have lofty goals).

It takes just one soul to create an incredible shift in our Universal experience. 

It takes one soul to agree to be more authentic, more integral, more honest. It takes one soul to agree to know who they are at their heart's core, know what makes them a truly powerful being, and know their gifts are given to them for a reason. It takes one soul at a time to create this incredible and powerful movement in our society from one of selfish progress to one of universal truth.

My why is so significant, so absolute, so powerful, that nothing can stand in my way of achieving it.

If your why is important and powerful, it will not matter what life throws your way, you persevere through it all to continue to be of service to your why. 

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Is your 'why' serving your highest purpose? If not, let's talk about how we can shift your 'why' into something that will keep you on course through a multitude of storms.


Jamie A. Bishop, MA

Mobile: 480-203-8911


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