Why I Pay for Masterminds
Blake Linklater
Financial Advisor helping successful women gain financial clarity and confidence II retirement income planning II wealth strategies II achieve your financial goals II
Why I Pay for Coaching and Masterminding
Last week I was in San Diego for a coaching mastermind.
It’s the reason this newsletter is delayed because I wanted to share my experiences from October 6 and 7 2022 about personal growth and development.
Over those 2 days I was
- forced to grow
- called out on my BS, as I was resisting.
- offered support
- got new ideas to grow my coaching business
- became a better coach
- found a network of people who care and want to see you succeed
- surrounded myself with high performers in and out of business
- and more
This is the reason environment is so important. You must surround yourself with high performers if you want to be a high performer.
I told some people about my ice bath experience, and they were just like “why?â€. They don’t see the benefits, the connections being made here, the bonding and the support and being forced to challenge yourself to new heights.
See challenges force us to grow out of our comfort zone.
When you are challenged, you grow. Doing coaching and being part of masterminds help you grow and reach new heights personally and professionally - including taking the red eye home Friday night to make it back in time for my daughter's 1015am hockey practice.