Why I moved to Kurdistan !

Why I moved to Kurdistan !

It has been one of the questions every one has asked me , why you have moved to Kurdistan ? being a successful General Manager within India what was the need for you to shift and that also to a Place Not known to many. 

They were right. 90% of the people didn't know anything about Kurdistan. some were not able to remember the name too and used to think I have shifted to Kazakhstan or somewhere . Balance 10% who had some knowledge had mixed Views as very few out of this 10% knew anything in detail about Kurdistan, everyone still associated it with IRAQ. and as Iraq is famous for its various problems , one of the Greatest and well known is ISIL. But very few Know that only force which has been able to keep ISIL or Daesh (as known in Arabic) from spreading its wings in North Iraq is Peshmerga forces the Regional Kurdish Military force of KRG (Kurdistan regional Government). also that Kurdistan is the Only safe heaven in this Region.

But these reasons had nothing to do with my decisions. When I was head hunted by the Present company , even I had no knowledge of Kurdistan, and as soon as Iraq word was uttered I said NO. It took quite a while and a few discussions with some Indians associated with Kurdistan and a secret 4 days visit to Erbil, which actually changed my View about this small country. 

The Erbil International airport was first surprise for me. I had flown on Emirates Via Dubai to Erbil and with an anxiety about going to a Place in Iraq .

I saw the surrounding city and its development while landing and was surprised, It was like landing at any other international airport, clean, sparkling and greeted by smiling faces. I was taken to my Hotel Grand Swiss in massif 20 Min drive from Erbil City in a Mercedes , the Journey from airport to the Hotel lasted around 30 Min and was an eyeopener for me with new skyscrapers being Built all around, The Roads and New Flyovers a sign of a Bustling economic growth could be seen all around. The Roads were excellent with beautifully laid gardens in the dividers.

Then Next day I was taken to my current project in Korek Mountain 120 Min away from Erbil. The Ride was spell binding the Valley with Greenery , snow clad mountains, Beautiful Gorges and waterfalls. The Project was accessible only by a Cable Car ride of almost 4 Kms up hill lasting 15 Min. The View was great, you see the changing geography from Green hills to sudden views of the Snow clad mountains peeping out of the windows in the Fog all around you. The First step at the Mountain and the next 24 hrs are what made me take a decision which I am confident off and other cautious off.

As a Head of a Business Organisation , which is a well known name in the market, your efforts are actually more on creating and maintaining a Image of the Organisation. as a Professional I have been Lucky enough that throughout my career I have only received challenging jobs and cant remember a single job which was ready made , maintained one. and I think that is what has given me this Courage and guts to take decisions which people find foolish without understanding my personal views.

Its very easy and comfortable to eat deliciously cooked Food prepared by someone else, But its more fun to learn to cook something delicious , but difficult and to master it on your own is an Achievement. Similarly running a Hotel with set standards and systems , running smoothly and with great business on its own is not where you have any significant achievement. Its only when you press yourself to be pressurized and pushed to create systems and business is what is real achievement. 

This was the feeling which I always get when I feel that the project under me has reached a Point where others will be able to take over and run it smoothly as I could do or may be better. it has been an urge within me to do something different and unique which others have not done. A feeling that God had destined all of us for something unique so why bind ourselves to the meaningless monotony of life. This was the same feeling which had taken me to Sikkim, where I had spent time creating not just a Resort , but also lives of my employees , trained to have a better perspective of life then what they were doing in the Village same thing everyday. I am sure today they would be doing better then me. Making that Resort (although we had to leave in between) was a feeling of achievement which has always remained with me. The spare time in Sikkim also gave me a Holistic and spiritualistic overhaul, which was well needed at time, just before I started my Married Life.

TGB at Surat also was a challenge in it self, not just from the Hotel and Business point of View but also on personal and inter personnel perspective due to its unique hierarchical structure which posed great obstacles in the Success for the Hotel as well for individuals working there. The Hotels Banquet Division was able to generate Business without any trouble and effort as the Business used to walk in because of the Good will created by the owners and the Brand.

The Room Business was equally difficult in an emerging market and which at the time of opening the hotel was going through recession. Although the Time and patience had driven me through this and achieve few things both in personal and professional life. although I don't see them as big or great achievements , but I have a satisfaction that I was able to increase my maturity and patience levels in Surat. It was also a Changing point in my life as I crossed so called Mid age mark of 40 yrs. I have always been a contented person a happy soul as I am proud that I have not harmed any one knowingly and have only made friends where ever I have worked. People who have tried to harm me or were against me , I have been considerate and given them enough chances to improve. 

I remember that in my life twice I have been told by two different bosses at two different times separated by almost 12 years in time but exactly same words "You are a Nice Good Person, but that doesn't help this organisation , you need to be tough and take decisions which are hard." I differed with them then and worked in my own style to achieve success.

Today after many years I think they were as right as I was . it was only a different way to look at the situations. The results were same or would have been same which ever way we would have worked theoretically, but practically if I would have changed my personality results could have been chaotic for all of us. A person should never try to change there inherent quality and holistic nature. 

what all this psychological discussion has to do with this post........... Its important to understand what and how before we can understand why .....

Let me take you almost 35 Years back, when I was in school may be in class 5th. I bunked school for almost 3 Months (and still passed with first grade). When I was caught (which I had innocently thought no body can ever find out..) , i was beaten up , scolded , penalized etc etc.... everything which was expected to happen to a Child who did such things...

But till today I have not been able to understand if I was at fault or not? did that time I bunked school was a waste or did i learn something which has helped me in my life ? 

I feel that was one of the many experiences which actually made me what I am today. I broke away from the monotony and still not only survived but succeeded (at least in my own way.) My stubbornness in some issues and extra flexibility in some situations confuses all my near and dears and many in a silent manner (to save me embarrassment) have already branded me as a Geek or a fool.

Kurdistan - technically is not a Country in many ways at present as its constitutionally a part of Iraq as an autonomous region, struggling to gain its own identity. But what I have seen here is a commitment , a spirit to achieve something from a difficult situation and to grow above every expectation ..... sounds similar to what i have been thinking since my childhood, or may what we all have been thinking some time or other.

Kurdish people are the biggest community without there own country in this world. Divided without consideration by the allied forces when Ottoman empire fell into four parts in four different countries Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran. to create a History of oppression , genocide and struggle to create there own identity against these regimes or forces. But what they have shown in last 23 Years of autonomy is something which could not have been done by many developed nations also. A strong nation , fast development, good educational system, a tolerant, compassionate community and a country with a Dream of success which is shared by every one equally.

Kurdistan has a History which is much older then many other cities in the world. 

The Citadel in Erbil also known as the cradle of civilization. built around 6000 BC makes it the only oldest continuously inhabited site in the world. a center of Indo Iranian culture along with many other cultural streams which have come out from here over the long history of Erbil (Hawler) . We Indians have a strong tie with this city being the Aryans and also as we have same gene pool. The language is very similar to one spoken in North India. 





I have been recently informed by one of my Uncles who is also a great researcher of historical facts that Hazrat Nizzamudin and Hazrat Moinudeen Chisti revered in India as saints have historical links in Erbil. there families boast of origins in Erbil. 

The Kurdish People are very proud of there history, culture, traditions and also encompass a Mixed society living together without any problems, unlike the problems being faced by countries all around them , Iraq, Syria, etc. they are open minded and are progressive thinking. They also like to have Colorful dresses, music and dance. they are fun loving people living with the nature encompassing its all beauty in there Food, music, dances and living style.

The unspoiled Natural (Srushti) Beauty and serene scenic points,historical Landmarks, small and large cities are something making this region a not to be missed place for off beat adventurers. Its Great Road infrastructure will ensure that you are able to enjoy the History and natural beauty in all directions without any difficulty. Its natural water falls are something not to be missed.

The Old Bazaars maintained well providing all kind of middle eastern souvenirs along with the traditional Kurdish handicrafts and musical instruments. They take you in a magical era of the Sheikhs and Arabian Nights. 

And that's just not where the wheel stops. The Modern Day Kurdistan Boasts of Modern Malls, Hotels, Resorts and all amenities a Modern day traveler looks out for.

Although a very new Nation they have started building this nation with ensuring education for all , and not just education but the best, having the best international schools, universities in the Region ,

building ties with other nations. The Children go to India , UK and other countries for there Higher studies and masters. Building the Infrastructure , Roads, Factories,Hospitals, Hotels, Residential Campuses etc to ensure that Investment is poured in from all the world. The Intentions are right, actions are good, few obstacles which we all are sure will pass over soon.

As Industry professional , this place is  a like a canvas where I can paint a professional setup. although not so easy , as like any new place there lot to learn and also need to have acceptance to change which is sometimes difficult to come. The People are very helpful and hospitable , but not exposed to various international standards and thus becomes a problem in achieving the results. with My patience and my experience in various places Like Sikkim, Goa, Ooty etc. I am sure that at the end people will realize and accept the ideas of change as its good for them.

But its easy said then done, coming from managing a Team of Highly skilled 700+ persons with a management team of 18+ India's Topmost professionals working with the stringent systems and procedures and in a new project Training basics, creating systems and ensuring acceptance of change is a task from scratch on your own and building an organisation brick by brick is a uphill work. (but I am loving it sometimes.... trying to do things with my own hands like cooking .... which I could not do in my previous Hotels)

My own interest in different cultures and there Culinary habits has always ensured that I am able to create something better. As a food specialist its my job to create new delights. with similarities in our food and language with Kurdish its more easier. we share same names for fruits and food items. and some delicious dishes too.

As a professional I know that my own knowledge will only increase more I will be able to use them practically and to train people. The Knowledge is like a sword it remains sharp with continuous use.

The Korek Mountain Resort and Spa (KMR) is not just a Resort, but its a Unpolished Diamond , waiting to be polished to become a Sparkling Beauty.

The Resort is built on top of the Korek Mountain, which has its own historical standing in the Long struggle against the Regime of Saddam Hussein. who even tried to Build a Observatory here demolished in 1991 War. Its still stands on top of the Hill visible from far.

KMR is a Activities Park, Ski Resort (winters) and a 132 Villa Resort with all modern amenities, In future there is a Plan to add  many more activities along with a 100+ room Hotel and convention center. 

This project has potential which can be unleashed as soon as the scenario in this part of the world stabilizes. I , along with the promoters and the people of Kurdistan are very optimistic and will do every thing to bring the Finesse and quality of an International Resort and ensure that we bring the International Tourists to this destination clubbed with other beautiful and attractive locations of this Region.

"Insha Allah"  (God Willing) I am sure of a success sooner or later with the all round support from everyone and having an achievement which is not to boast about , but to make my own self happy as a result of my life time efforts.


badayan chambaali

farmer at badayan farms

8 年

you are a great man who has courageous to venture , may Allah keep you away from the elements of ISIL open your gates for the busy minds .

Nasir Haider khan

Hotel General manager | Hospitality Operations Leader | F&B | Expertise in Strategic Management & Guest Satisfaction

9 年

Excellent sir

Rupal Vaz

25 years of Marketing Experience and Bachelor's degree in Psychology

9 年

Hello Mr. Suri, Very impressive article on Kurdistan and yourself. We had met at TGB Surat for advertising and consaltancy. Let me know if we can workout something together.

Ayub Hamanajib

Student at Salahaddin University-Erbil

9 年

I'm living here, I can say it looks like a European country which is placed in north of Iraq, just visit us to realize more



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