This is why I march for science on Saturday - why do you?
On April 22 people will march for science at many places in the world, also in Stockholm. You can get involved or mor info by following us on Twitter (@SciMarchSthlm and @FORSKOM) or FB (@marchforsciencestockholm). Please, find the programme at
So, why I am marching for science? Because I believe in knowledge, curiosity and critical thinking. The successive digging for new knowledge, implies that today's knowledge is not the same as 'truth' (in many cases not even 'facts'). But it is the best we have and the more people get involved the better. I have spent my working life trying to understand and develop the communication of science, between researchers with different expertise and perspectives as well as between researchers and "the public", politicians, school children etc. The more I learn about this, the more I believe that we should not underestimate people outside the scientific system in understanding complex issues, but involve them in the process of science and let them ask their questions and share there views. A march for science could be a celebration for science and what it means for our society, ourselves and our future. That is why I march on April 22 in Stockholm! Why are you? Please comment and share!