Why I Love Photography
[JUST.a.SHOT] Sometimes, while on a shoot, a client will ask me why I love photography so much. I don't know why they ask; maybe because I'm always so happy when I'm out on a shoot, or that I always talk to them about how I'm going to make the shot, what kind of feel / mood I might be going for, how it might turn out, etc. At any rate, I do love photography, and I love making photos that people can connect with.
Today, as I was post-processing some photos from a session, I started thinking about that a bit more seriously, I suppose. I do automotive and portrait photography, and although shooting cars give me a lot of pleasure, putting some smiling face in a frame, capturing that look in someone's eye is at a whole other level. So I stopped, sat myself down and came up with two reasons why I'm so passionate about capturing "moments".
How long does it take to make an image? Typically about 1/100s? 1/125s? I looked at the EXIFs on both of these photos, and they were taken at 1/250s. And in that short time, I've made a photo that might last a lifetime in someone's life journey. Take the second photo, though deliberately out of focus, had elicited that genuine smile I enjoy seeing every time when someone sees their photos. I love that. That's reason no.1.
Then I started to think about photos that I cherish; e.g., a photo of my dad holding my up-stretched hand while we were strolling in a park. I think I was 3yrs old at that time. That photograph took me back through time and space, and brought up all the happy emotions and experience I've had with the person I admire and love. As I'm writing this article, a scanned copy of that photo is up on screen in a window next to this one, and you don't know it, but I'm smiling the whole time. It's interesting that photos that we love are associated with happy, positive thoughts. Even that picture with my dad, who's no longer with us now. Somehow, all I can think about were cheerful moments. That photo is so precious to me, it has become priceless. This is my reason no.2.
Some photos have the ability to connect people, especially family, loved ones, maybe even generations apart, and bring them closer together.
Perhaps that's why I love photography so much. May I ask... What about you?
Sincerely, Cedric Cheung.