Why I love participating in "Empowering Women in Industry"??

Why I love participating in "Empowering Women in Industry"?

As we finish International Women's Month?, it's important to reflect on the progress we've made towards gender equality in the workplace, while also acknowledging the work that still needs to be done.

Women have made significant strides in the workforce, but they still face a number of obstacles. From the gender?#paygap?to?#discrimination?and bias, women continue to face challenges that make it difficult for them to succeed and advance in their careers.

One key area where women are still underrepresented is in? #leadership ?positions. While progress has been made in recent years, women are still vastly outnumbered in top-level positions across many industries. This lack of? #diversity?at the top not only limits opportunities for women, but also hinders progress towards creating more inclusive and equitable?#workplaces.

To address these issues, it's important that organizations take concrete steps to promote diversity and inclusion in their hiring and promotion practices. This includes setting diversity targets, creating transparent hiring and promotion processes, and providing training and support to help women advance in their careers.

At the same time, women themselves can take steps to support each other and advocate for their own advancement. This can include building networks of female colleagues and mentors, seeking out opportunities for professional development, and advocating for equal pay and opportunities within their own organizations.

By working together, we can continue to make progress towards creating a more equitable and inclusive workforce, where all individuals have the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.

#workingtogether?#diversity?#diversityandinclusion?#training?#womensupportingwomen? Empowering Women in Industry

Danny Anderson

Instructor Rotating equipment/Millwright at Del Mar College

1 年

We just had our 1st annual women in industry conference, here in CC Texas. It was amazing!!!!! 2 of our Millwright graduates were presenters for the conference. One of them was selected as the face of women in industry for 2023. I was so humbled to take part in this event. I hope next year you can take a trip up and check things out !!!!!!!!!!!

H.J. Dewes

Making life more comfortable, healthy and sustainable with energy efficient solutions.

1 年

Well said Elena! Your topic highlights one of the key reasons I am proud to work at #abb. #diversityandinclusion are both core to our #workplaceculture and a pillar in our commitment to #substainability. Learn more@https://global.abb/group/en/about/diversity-and-inclusion

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Next Trend Realty LLC./wwwHar.com/Chester-Swanson/agent_cbswan

1 年

Well Said.

Antonio Estevez Mu?oz

Experto en asesoramiento y gestión integral del visados. Emprendedor. Mentor.

1 年

La cuestión es ?por qué las mujeres prefieren estudiar medicina o derecho que ingeniería industrial o naval? He tenido compa?eras ingenieras con una muy buena práctica profesional pero eran una minoría. En mi época una minoría marginal y ahora simplemente una minoría. A directores de astilleros, de mi época, llegaron dos o tres, todos hombres, un resultado previsto desde el punto de vista probabilistico teniendo en cuenta la proporción por género de ingenieros en ejercicio. Y una vez en la empresa, luchan, en igualdad de condiciones con sus compa?eros varones por progresar y mejorar, una lucha dura donde muy pocos consiguen plenamente sus objetivos. Tampoco los hombres lo consiguen. En la empresa impera una especie de mecanismo de selección natural por el que solamente sobreviven los mejor adaptados...sean hombres o mujeres. En un ambiente como este, cualquiera trato de favor a alguien en función de su género rompería el equilibrio de un sistema que funciona por si mismo y consigue sus objetivos.


